rebel imvu staff

by iwenk · 3 posts
12 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 12 years ago · Author
I went on a mission n fission to imvu mafia
1. to make angry staff imvu
2. to drop the self-esteem of the staff imvu
I'm going to do is create a product that could make staff angry and disgusted with me :twisted:
:evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
3 more days I will create 3 product if you like it please support me :wink:
Posted 12 years ago
Drop the self-esteem of IMVU staff? They get slapped with much-well-deserved abuse on the forums almost hourly. I doubt you'll really be able to make any product capable of lowering their self-esteem. In case it wasn't obvious by now, they really don't give a damn about anyone, or anything other than profits.
Posted 12 years ago
Tymon wrote:
they really don't give a damn about anyone, or anything other than profits.

Too true. That's why I've always said the best way to hurt them is by making them loose profit. That's the only way they'll listen. If people stop using the client and shopping in the store then they will be forced to listen to what the users want and fix their shit.

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