Chivalry For Men - 69 Tips

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 9 posts
11 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Chivalry is the old European art of showing manners, honor, courtesy, and respect towards women. It is a great way to get a good girl. Many girls will not notice these things if you do them, but the right kind of good girl will.

* keep yourself clean and well groomed for her, but dress as yourself and for the ocassion
* opening the door, and let her walk through first; this includes car doors, ushered entrances, and elevators
* Offer to pick her up and take her home
* Offer to service her technological needs if you can
* If she has a problem, do not try to fix it unless she tells / asks you to; just provide emotional support
* Be the first to change your relationship status online
* Offer Your Arm
* In Public Keep Your Hands to Yourself
* In Private Massage
* No means no and resistance does not mean try again; missing her lips on a kiss also does not mean try again ... she might have avoided you on purpose
* Look Out for Her
* Bring Her A Blanket
* Get Her A Drink
* Make Sure She Has Her Own Key
* Defend Her Honor ... anything said against her, retort with a compliment towards her
* Only speak honourably of her
* Walk with her away from the road; you should be between her and the road; if a car gets on the curb ... you do not want it to hit her
* Check each new room / area for her safety
* When she stands, you stand
* Give her your coat / jacket
* Make Her Feel Special, pamper her a bit, gifts of love, compliments, love notes, etc ...
* Respect Her Family, ask the family's permission before putting a ring on her finger
* Every act of love ends with a thought of her
* Do not take from her without permission
* Desire no one and nothing but her
* Stand when she stands
* Pay bills in private; do not even look at them while she is around (you do not want her to see the price / color draining from your face)
* Polite, please and thank you
* Always volunteer to sleep in the wet spot after sex
* Be A Good Sport, but if pushed ... blame her beauty of distracting you
* Help her put her coat on / take her coat for her once inside
* Help with her seat, pull her chair out for her
* Push back and gently cup back her hair before you kiss her (a hairy kiss is never fun)
* If holding hands and it is time to let go, bend down to the level of her hand, and kiss her hand a short sweet goodbye; if she is wearing a ring on the hand you are kissing ... make sure the kiss lands on the ring
* Shutup and listen, if she expects a reply ... think of her feelings and possible reactions before you reply
* If silence becomes awkward and she does not seem busy with something ... strike up some conversation (use my questions list)
* Do not look at other women, they mean nothing to you; all thoughts on your beloved (this includes avoiding thoughts of your mother)
* Carry bags and heavy objects for her; but never her purse ... and never look inside her purse ... even if she offers (you may fetch her purse for her, but always hand it to her asap) A woman's purse is personal.
* Do not verbally congradulate / encourage her like she is a child; the best congradulations is a romantic outting or gift ... or a simple thanks for being such a wonderful partner
* If there is music, offer your hand and ask for the honor of having this dance
* Silence your phone
* Show up punctual and on time
* Give her all the time she needs
* Put the toliet seat down
* Look her in the eyes while she is talking, be atentive; everything she says is important
* Always offer the easiest route for her (examples: Offer to drop her off at the curb, carry her on your back over a puddle)
* Good posture, sit up
* Keep your word
* If you are going somewhere, offer to get her something / pick something up for her while you are there
* Do not accuse her of complaining / nagging / bitching; accuse her of making you a better person

* Let Her Order food First; do not try to order for her ... you will mess up
* Never chug
* Time your eatting to finish at the same time as her
* Napkin on your lap
* Offer her the last of any item on the table
* No more than 1 drink if in public
* If she holds food or a drink up to your face, this is your queue to do the same for her at the same time; it is a romantic gesture to feed each other at the same time, but always let her initiate it

Grocery Store
* Offer to hold the basket / push the cart
* No inappropriate food jokes
* Don’t stall
* If you eat a sample and you like it, buy it

* Do not attack an unarmed foe
* Identify yourself
* Communication before combat

* cook (includes dishes)
* clean
* deal with pests
* take phone off hook during private time
* keep an up to date condom under each corner of your bed
* hide the porn if you have any ... hide it well

* Do not play music or watch TV while she is on the other end of the phone ... unless you are watching the same show together
* If the connection breaks, call back right away; DO not auto dial her; there is a reason she is not picking up

* when the opportunity arises, feel the mood of the conversation), and tell a good relatable story to entertain her
* enjoy new topics, smile
* admit when you are wrong, "I was wrong, you were right, thank you for showing me that"
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks for tips.
Posted 11 years ago
Wow. You have no idea how nice it would be to have some of those! I know when guys have actually done some on that list,it has made a world of difference in the relationship as opposed to doing nothing on that list. Hopefully more guys will read this and keep it in mind the next time they are with their girl or with someone they wish to have as their girl.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Ice wrote:
Wow. You have no idea how nice it would be to have some of those! I know when guys have actually done some on that list,it has made a world of difference in the relationship as opposed to doing nothing on that list. Hopefully more guys will read this and keep it in mind the next time they are with their girl or with someone they wish to have as their girl.

I have no idea how nice it would be to have some of those, but my girlfriend knows how nice it is to get all of those, because I give her all of them every single day.

Thanks, I will add anymore if I think of any, but I am pretty sure I covered the basics of what to do. I did not even attempt to add "do nots" to the list, as that could make the list go on forever.
Posted 10 years ago
Nice chivalry tips for men... Thanks, Don Von.

A man appears before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asks.

"Well, I can think of one thing," the man offers.

"Once, on a trip to Sturgis, out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of high-testosterone bikers who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker. I smacked him on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring and threw it on the ground, then told him, "Leave her alone now or you'll answer to me."

St. Peter was impressed. "When did this happen?"

"Just a couple of minutes ago."

Chivalry is not dead, but someone is... :)
Posted 10 years ago
interesting tips... i might use some of these
Posted 10 years ago
Wow, this is definitely neat and useful. Reminds me to brush up on my chivalry more often to keep it polished. Thanks a bunch.
Posted 8 years ago
Darkest Fantasy wrote:
Wow. You have no idea how nice it would be to have some of those! I know when guys have actually done some on that list,it has made a world of difference in the relationship as opposed to doing nothing on that list. Hopefully more guys will read this and keep it in mind the next time they are with their girl or with someone they wish to have as their girl.

I agree with you Darkest Fantasy.....If only man would do even a quarter of Don Tips....would be a world of difference in a relationship...Hope many man reads this forum....thanks Don! :coin:
Posted 7 years ago
I agree with most of these not all but most

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