Favorite Muiltiplayer game you played

by Kekococo · 35 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 13 years ago
I am plying only fighting games like Call Of Duty , Gears Of wars and Commando etc.
Posted 11 years ago
i've played just about every game around to get a feel, AVA, vindictus, runescape, maplestory, perfect world, the list goes on and on, but in all honesty, i always come back to minecraft...and i think that's because i can mess around with friends and do whatever i want, compared to other games where's quite a linear playstyle
Posted 11 years ago
i love to play the game borderlands im not sure if you would call that a multiplayer game but i also enjoy most of the call of duty game the new black ops 2 call of duty is very nice i enjoy that game a lot its fun and i love all the shooting and explotions

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