How many...

by Bitchani · 26 posts
17 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 16 years ago
yay! wooo bitchani ur really nice [: and don too [: haha. i get on in the morning like 4 times if i dont sleep. only 1nce if i do. and twice wen i get home from skool. [:
Posted 16 years ago
I just joined..But I'm Bobby! I hope to check up regularly..Although..I can't really comment on some things in the forums, since I dont know what it's talking about or how to solve a problem, etc..But I'm going to start checking regularly now! I'm underaged too..I know that was earlier, but I dont see how being underaged means anything..>.>
Posted 11 years ago
Nice to meet you Bitchani. I also get on here regularly. Love the website, and I'm glad to to say I'm proud to be apart of the IMVU Mafias family.
Posted 11 years ago
I am on here every day, usually just silent in the back ground policing the place when need be or responding to pms.
Posted 11 years ago
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
I am on here every day, usually just silent in the back ground policing the place when need be or responding to pms.

Also known as, Stalking.
Posted 11 years ago
We normally get about 15 new members per day, 7-8 posts per day, a new topic every few days, an average of about 600 visitors (guests checking out our site) per day (each person spending an average of 4 minutes on our site), an average of 200 logins (from unique accounts) per day from regular members, and 12,000 logins from unique accounts per week. 2/3 of the people who login just check the gray market and free credits sections regularly for new free credits methods and new black market products.

The main problem is that most people who join our site have no idea how to use a forum nor do they have any idea how to navigate our site. I really need to take the time some day to make some video tutorials that pop up on each person's first login right after they join our site. Sort of a site tutorial to get them active ...., maybe even an interactive tutorial that gets their first post out of the way.
Posted 11 years ago
BloodLustD wrote:
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
I am on here every day, usually just silent in the back ground policing the place when need be or responding to pms.

Also known as, Stalking.

Stalking would be monitoring one specific person or group. Me glancing at the shoutbox occasionally, checking new thread or replying to someone who contacts me is not.

Don Von Free Credits wrote:
We normally get about 15 new members per day, 7-8 posts per day, a new topic every few days, an average of about 600 visitors (guests checking out our site) per day (each person spending an average of 4 minutes on our site), an average of 200 logins (from unique accounts) per day from regular members, and 12,000 logins from unique accounts per week. 2/3 of the people who login just check the gray market and free credits sections regularly for new free credits methods and new black market products.

The main problem is that most people who join our site have no idea how to use a forum nor do they have any idea how to navigate our site. I really need to take the time some day to make some video tutorials that pop up on each person's first login right after they join our site. Sort of a site tutorial to get them active ...., maybe even an interactive tutorial that gets their first post out of the way.

I can' t believe it's really that difficult to figure out in this day an age. Forums are going the way of bb boards from the 90s, would figure most people on who know how to use the internet would be used to them by now.
Posted 11 years ago
I have known my girlfriend for 5 years, and after years of pestering her ... she finally learned how to use a forum last month. She joined a forum on reptiles and now she has a few hundred posts, but I had to help her out while she was first using it .... and she is by far not computer illiterate. In fact, she is a PC Gamer. Also, the board she was using had way fewer buttons / features than ours does. Our board looks like a rocket ship panel and most of the links are dark blue on dark black (hard to read without widening your eyes to let in more light). I have been thinking about changing the link color on our site to a slightly lighter blue before I start filming videos.
Posted 11 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I have known my girlfriend for 5 years, and after years of pestering her ... she finally learned how to use a forum last month. She joined a forum on reptiles and now she has a few hundred posts, but I had to help her out while she was first using it .... and she is by far not computer illiterate. In fact, she is a PC Gamer. Also, the board she was using had way fewer buttons / features than ours does. Our board looks like a rocket ship panel and most of the links are dark blue on dark black (hard to read without widening your eyes to let in more light). I have been thinking about changing the link color on our site to a slightly lighter blue before I start filming videos.

Hmm, that is surprising. Well, anything to help the users. What links are blue? All the links I see are white.

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