Releasing the Rage...

by ScottSavage · 8 posts
11 years ago in Introductions
Posted 11 years ago · Author
I've been here for a while, but simply silent, as it's my style to observe. I've decided it's time to add my voice to those of my Mafia brothers and sisters.

I'm Rage, and I offer any service I can provide to help. I am somewhat knowledgable in some scripts and coding (HTML, BBC, Python) but far from an expert. I'm a skilled artist with a particular taste for digital art, though it has been some time since I've created anything other than a few banners and logos. I am educated, intelligent, and articulate, being both mathmatically inclined as well as an amature writer, so numbers and words don't intimidate me. I enjoy gaming, developing on IMVU as well as creating mods for games I play, writing short stories, role-playing, and several similar hobbies. I look forward to getting to know some of my brothers and sisters here and hope I can contribute something to make our IMVU lives a bit more rewarding.

Non sum ductus. Ego duco. "I am not led. I lead."

Thank you all for everything you do to make our IMVU existence more fulfilling.

Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the forums, we're glad to finally hear your voice.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Thank you all for the welcome. I look forward to getting to know you all and maybe working with you to help out a bit.

Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Impressive resume you have there Rage.
How did you go about learning python?

Well, I'm not that experienced with it, but I used to create personal mods as well as edit the mods I downloaded for my Elder Scrolls games, and many of those were tied into Python scripts or programs that relied on it, so I had to learn a little bit of it to make edits. I can't write code for it, but given time to study it I can usually make out the pattern and alter it.
Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the IMVU Mafias...
Posted 11 years ago
welcome enjoy your stay
Posted 11 years ago
Yeah my cousin was telling me he was into Python, and I thought he was talking computer stuff, then he mentioned, scales, fangs and feet long....

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