Where can I get around 100k credits for the cheapest value?

by Inna · 16 posts
11 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 11 years ago · Author

My account was wrongfully disabled because apparently I was associated with a fraud case from a credit reseller. :? After a long time of fighting with IMVU to at least tell me the reason, I found out that this happened because someone gifted me fraudulent credits. I didn't even know they were fake, but I got disabled before I could even question where the credits came from. I already tried asking IMVU to send the credits back to wherever they came from, but they told me that when your account gets deleted, all credits stored in it get removed as well. After almost two years, I was finally able to find the reseller who the credits were bought from. He told me that person committed fraud multiple times and that he's sent me credits worth over $75 and the reseller wants me to pay him that money. I don't understand how that's fair. I'm not the one who bought those fake credits... they were bought for my avatar. I've read on the IMVU forums of many cases similar to mine and no one ever got their account back without paying this reseller. He had many people disabled recently, all for no apparent reason other than he wanted to squeeze money out of them. Why does IMVU believe his crap instead of their paying customers? :roll: Well, long story short, I'm looking for a way to get around 100,000 credits cheap because I can't possibly pay him $75. I don't have that kind of money right now and even if I did, I couldn't afford to waste it on paying for something I didn't even do. :( I do love my account though, so I'd be very very happy if I could get it back. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Thank you so much. I will do that right now :) I hope very much that I can buy 100k from a developer for a bit less cause I can't afford to pay $45 for it. I hope he will give my account back once I pay him, but it's my only chance.
Posted 11 years ago
xhynrae wrote:
I dont understand why youre paying the reseller? IMVU has already disabled your account. Reseller cant reinstate your account for you, can they? Plus is IMVU saying this is what you must do to get your account back?

Yes, a reseller can get accounts undisabled.
When a reseller accuses your account for fraud ... IMVU disables you and, the only person who can get your account back is that reseller.

IMVU will not give your account back till the reseller tells IMVU that you have repaid your debt.
Posted 11 years ago
This is quite bullshit in my opinion. Seems like the reseller is just extorting people. How are you going to send them these credits, from an alt?
Posted 11 years ago · Author
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
This is quite bullshit in my opinion. Seems like the reseller is just extorting people. How are you going to send them these credits, from an alt?

To be quite honest, I think that's exactly what he's doing. But he did have my account disabled and he knows he's the only one who can give it back to me. I've tried explaining to IMVU so many times that I never bought anything from him, but they won't listen to me because he has a deal with them and so they believe him over their paying customers. :? He says unless I pay(bribe) him, he won't ask IMVU to re-activate my account. I hope that I can get the credits for a somewhat affordable price, but I don't really have a choice if I ever want to see my account again. I know it's "just imvu", but I do love my account... my name, my many outfits, I've been a member since 2007 and I can never get that back. If I ever get the credits, I'll send them to him from my new guest account and then hopefully he will finally give back my ID. I did learn something from this though, and that is never to trust anyone on IMVU, not even the people working for IMVU. Staff and moderators refused to help me because they have a deal with the reseller, and they said the only one who can re-activate my account is the reseller. I'm very disappointed in them. I thought they would help a loyal customer get back what's theirs, especially since I got dragged into this whole fraud case by someone else who gifted his fake credits to me (I couldn't even do anything about it, I was disabled literally an hour after I saw the credits).
Last edited by Inna on Wed May 29, 2013 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 11 years ago
Inna wrote:
«Ð▪ℳ» wrote:
This is quite bullshit in my opinion. Seems like the reseller is just extorting people. How are you going to send them these credits, from an alt?

To be quite honest, I think that's exactly what he's doing. But he did have my account disabled and he knows he's the only one who can give it back to me. I've tried explaining to IMVU so many times that I never bought anything from him, but they won't listen to me because he has a deal with them and so they believe him over their paying customers. :? He says unless I pay(bribe) him, he won't ask IMVU to re-activate my account. I hope that I can get the credits for a somewhat affordable price, but I don't really have a choice if I ever want to see my account again. I know it's "just imvu", but I do love my account... my name, my many outfits, I've been a member since 2007 and I can never get that back. If I ever get the credits, I'll send them to him from my new guest account and then hopefully he will finally give back what's mine. I did learn something from this though, and that is never to trust anyone on IMVU, not even the people working for IMVU. Staff and moderators refused to help me because they have a deal with the reseller, and they said the only one who can re-activate my account is the reseller.

Yes, trusting people on IMVU normally is a bad idea.But I'll tell you what, I'll put the funds from my next T3DE or Market sale towards helping you get your account back.

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