how to alter noob maker spots

by ceewil · 10 posts
11 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 11 years ago · Author
There are several items in the catalog that will change your avatar's clothing, skin, mood, etc., when you step on them. Like this for example ... d=19889081 I saw tutorials on how to insert speech bubbles that shout commands but I didn't grasp the way to change the specific settings. My goal is to make a "mood spot" that alters the mood of whoever steps on it but leaves their appearance intact. Any ideas?
Posted 11 years ago
Take a look at the base product, it has a lot of information how to use it: ... id=4857278

As for the bubble code the product you linked to uses:
      <couldBe>\n*use 80\n*use 161\n*use 164\n*use 259\n*use 288\n*use 176\n*use 2101</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 80\n*use 156\n*use 230\n*use 232\n*use 260\n*use 300\n*use 2100</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 80\n*use 160\n*use 175\n*use 155\n*use 287\n*use 297\n*use 262\n*use 2104</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 80\n*use 290\n*use 231\n*use 163\n*use 159\n*use 253\n*use 2110</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 80\n*use 252\n*use 171\n*use 175\n*use 298\n*use 162\n*use 2109</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 191\n*use 215\n*use 212\n*use 220\n*use 263\n*use 2105</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 191\n*use 273\n*use 185\n*use 188\n*use 183\n*use 2104</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 191\n*use 271\n*use 210\n*use 180\n*use 181\n*use 2106</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 191\n*use 264\n*use 186\n*use 188\n*use 184\n*use 2102</couldBe>
      <couldBe>\n*use 191\n*use 268\n*use 214\n*use 211\n*use 182\n*use 2109</couldBe>

What this does, it basically uses use codes to randomly put on products and use different moods. I haven't fully looked into the documention on the base product but I am assuming the <couldbe> tag means when you step onto the product, it will randomly choose one of those lines to run.

So in theory you should be able to just do this:

   <bubble>\n*use 2101</bubble>

To make your avatar just make an angry face and put his hands on his hips without changing the clothes.

Here is a list of use codes: viewtopic.php?f=140&t=1113
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Perfect! So could I also add an action (XAF & XPF files) and tell the speech bubble to say the trigger for it all in one product? I also noticed that you can call in any outfit item that the site has given you as a gift. Is there a list of those anywhere? Is there any way to command call an item that's not a noob product? Now that would be power.... I imagine the products are listed differently somehow to even be command driven.

-- Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:42 pm --

Skin commands I found are below.

Male skin ranges from " *use 263 " to " *use 273 " 263 is the brightest and 273 is the darkest. All other noob skin tones are between those numbers.
Female skin ranges from " *use 252 " to " *use 263 " All other tones fall in this range as in above.
Posted 11 years ago
You should be able to do that.

I posted a link to a use command thread. Not sure if what you want is on it though. Usually it's just the pid of the product after the use so anything in the catalog might work. At least if it's made by imvu.
Posted 11 years ago
Sounds like a fun item
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Thanks for the feedback! I'll be able to make a killing off of this info come Halloween. Just imagine werewolf and zombie bundles that include all outfit parts plus the bubble spot that will transform you when you step on it (by calling in purchased bundle items and triggering outfit actions). Is it me or is overwriting flash widget xml kind of sometimey...It's far from complicated code but the edit, insert xml, save, close and reopen doesn't always work.
Posted 11 years ago
ceewil wrote:
Thanks for the feedback! I'll be able to make a killing off of this info come Halloween. Just imagine werewolf and zombie bundles that include all outfit parts plus the bubble spot that will transform you when you step on it (by calling in purchased bundle items and triggering outfit actions). Is it me or is overwriting flash widget xml kind of sometimey...It's far from complicated code but the edit, insert xml, save, close and reopen doesn't always work.

Did you try applying changes before you save?
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Well all the advice worked! The create/preview/save situation is a still a little sticky. I only notice my command changes reliably after reopening the client after altering the xml file. I managed to code the product to load purchased items that were already in my inventory. Those are the only ones you can command besides the im_u gifts and defaults. So when I stepped on the dot it loaded the entire outfit I described and performed spoke the action trigger for one of the items. I will have a bundle that autoloads all the outfit items in the near future. Thanks again.

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