H4(k Banned Acc.

by PrincessAoi · 8 posts
10 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Dear Mafia Protection,

Recently I had got my account banned. Since then it's been a battle of hell to get it back.
The 21/12/13, 4 days before christmas by the way, the account [Foy] was banned (permanently)
reason being due to spamming.
Tried explaining to IMVU that it wasn't me and I was h4c|<7d shortly before the incident.
The thing is that the h4c|<7r had also access to my email because the password I use on practically
every site is the same password. They then sent a help ticket to IMVU claiming that it was their
account and that they had bought it.

A couple of days later I had tried to get on IMVU and saw all this mayhem that had happend.
Went in the help ticket "box" and filed a help ticket stating that it wasn't me and the truth as
to what had happend basically.

After going back and forth with IMVU after several help tickets (thousands possibly), phone
calls and getting the same replies with IMVU's defiance and so called proof that I had bought
or tried to sell an account. IMVU reluctantly told me to give proof that it was my account.

Now I'm thinking that if it wasn't my account and I had h4c|<7d the account, I wouldn't have been
persistant with getting it back and would've moved on to hacking someone else.

Research upon this case made me want to sue IMVU. Because it's not the first time it's happend.
Problem is that the law suit would've probably cost more than I've ever spent on IMVU despite it
being thousands of dollars.

Anyway, the problem is that I had to verify or account for the information to or for the account.
I've given them as much information as I remembered. Keep in mind that some of the informations
cannot be accounted for because I made the account 3 years ago (2011) with false informations
because I was either younger or didn't think much of it. As stated I had used false informations
on most of them, but what I see everyday and remember I stated.

One of the things I was asked to verify is the creditcard holder, paypal address, creditcard holders
address and so on. It's something I absolutely cannot recall or give because it was a payment
made by a trusted friend (at the time). Been 2 years ago and I haven't been able to get a hold /
contact this person and suddenly IMVU is asking me to provide their intimate possesions information.
Their creditcard information is something I can't provide and if I don't IMVU won't get me my
account back.

Things that they asked for:
- E-mail Address used to register the account
- Date of Birth used on the account
- Last 4 digits of credit card used
- Name on the card
- Billing address for the card
- Phone number used for the SMS purchases
- First and last name registered under the account
- Location where you created the account (city, state, country)

I had tried to explain to IMVU that I don't remember some of this information because when I wrote them
it was false and I didn't think much of it at the time and they replied that the true owner would remember
this. What can I do when I'M THE TRUE OWNER and can't remember this?

Not sure if sending you a mail would help, but atleast I'd try my best to get my account back without
any regrets.

If theres any way you could help though. Please. PLEASE. I'm begging you do.

Because I've given all hope on IMVU and I'm certain I would never step "foot" on IMVU again due to this
bad experience and threatment IMVU has towards their customer. I'd encourage others to do the same
but they wouldn't know what it felt like until they experience it themselves. Never even knew IMVU
banned people without valid reasons and then claimed that it was part of their TOS.

Nor can you do anything when the staff in the forums delete your plea on how to get your account back
when falsely accused. Claiming that IMVU is the almighty and has good and justifiable actions for the
reasons as why they pratically steal peoples money.

The thing is that I remember my account having Age verification and you can see some informations on the
account as to some of the questions asked. What I want to know is if theres any way to get on a banned IMVU
account and get those informations? I mean there must be a code or something in order to go to the website
and see the informations.

In regards to,
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
You know that a lawsuit only costs about $25 in small claims court, correct?

I don't live in the US, and I don't think I can handle having to fly over there to sue them, while paying $25 dollars for
a lawsuit when the plane ticket costs much more.
Posted 10 years ago
Name change log: http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_view_na ... d=67135330
HP: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... clnk&gl=us

The account was made: 06 Jan 2011
Age: 22
Location: Guernsey ?

If you were active in any groups on IMVU, I could find the account's birthdate.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Name change log: http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_view_na ... d=67135330
HP: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... clnk&gl=us

The account was made: 06 Jan 2011
Age: 22
Location: Guernsey ?

If you were active in any groups on IMVU, I could find the account's birthdate.

Well I know those informations. Guernsey was the last location I used. I've also been to that link earlier.

What I need to know are these informations if possible:

- E-mail Address used to register the account
- Last 4 digits of credit card used (Half important?Idk)
- Name on the card (Half important?Idk)
- Billing address for the card (Half important?Idk)
- First and last name registered under the account
- Location where you created the account (city, state, country)
Posted 10 years ago
- E-mail Address used to register the account

Just send them a list of all of the email addresses you have used in the past 3 years.

- Last 4 digits of credit card used (Half important?Idk)

You can find that on your credit card.

- Name on the card (Half important?Idk)

You should know your own name.

- Billing address for the card (Half important?Idk)

You can ask your credit card company for this.

- First and last name registered under the account

Just give them your real name. It does not have to actually be the name you registered with, as long as you can provide proof of billing and a copy of an ID.

- Location where you created the account (city, state, country)

Where were you living on 06 Jan 2011 ?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
> I don't have all the emails I've used during the years because some of them has been inactive for so long that it's been closed @yahoo.
I don't remember them all.

> The credit card they're asking for is used by an old friend who bought credits on my account years back, and the person doesn't go on imvu anymore.
Hasn't for a long time. I haven't used my own credit card to buy anything on imvu. Didn't have one at the time.

> Used false name and country, because I didn't think it was important. It's not really a name or city that I kept in my memory. If I had known
I needed it, I'd have it remembered.
Posted 10 years ago
> I don't have all the emails I've used during the years because some of them has been inactive for so long that it's been closed @yahoo.
I don't remember them all.

List as many as you can.

> The credit card they're asking for is used by an old friend who bought credits on my account years back, and the person doesn't go on imvu anymore.
Hasn't for a long time. I haven't used my own credit card to buy anything on imvu. Didn't have one at the time.

Then give them a different form for proof of billing. Paypal email address if you have used paypal. Phone number if SMS. etc

> Used false name and country, because I didn't think it was important. It's not really a name or city that I kept in my memory. If I had known
I needed it, I'd have it remembered.

They grab the location through geolocation, not by where you tell them. They know your location during registration, even if you did not enter the correct location. They know the real location.

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