IMVU Developing Programs Master List

by DataMine · 32 posts
10 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 10 years ago
D.M wrote:
That's exactly what it is.

Thanks. How could we give you or any other posters "good Karma points" for being very helpful in the forum?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Gr8bugaly wrote:
D.M wrote:
That's exactly what it is.

Thanks. How could we give you or any other posters "good Karma points" for being very helpful in the forum?

There should be 2 buttons underneath the Karma with a + and - symbol on them to give/take karma to/from a user.
Posted 10 years ago
D.M wrote:
There should be 2 buttons underneath the Karma with a + and - symbol on them to give/take karma to/from a user.

For instance, underneath your Karma; I only see 6 buttons, which are pm, skype, YIM, add friend, add foe, and personal album. I don't see any + and - buttons...
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Gr8bugaly wrote:
D.M wrote:
There should be 2 buttons underneath the Karma with a + and - symbol on them to give/take karma to/from a user.

For instance, underneath your Karma; I only see 6 buttons, which are pm, skype, YIM, add friend, add foe, and personal album. I don't see any + and - buttons...

You might need karma to give away first then. I'm not sure. The karma system was installed before my time.
Posted 10 years ago
D.M wrote:
Here is a list of all of the known tools for developing for products for IMVU that we here at TheIMVUMafias are aware of. This list does not include things like 3ds and other editors. It only contains programs who's main purpose is assisting IMVU developers specifically. If you have something you'd like me to add to this list, shoot me a pm here: ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=18313 and let me know.

Hey there A/all, I think these generators are a great idea however there is one thing that sorta just kinda slaps the taste out of ur mouth if I can. :? according to what the developer is actually trying to do, most of the generators should be used or would be correct? also they are stickers and not so much a stand alone program etc... right? and before u can use them u have to purchase each one separately with the cheapest one that I remember seeing being around 4k. ughhh its too early for me to calculate the total in my head it will cost the person to create a pose or whatever? come on it may be the neatest thing since peanut butter however, I think that I would learn to use blender or some other free 3D rendering program or be lucky as I was scored fully registered for life 3D Max Design 2012 no strings attached a life time permanent license key :) right before Autodesk changed it from lifetime free to 3 yrs, for students, I had just happen to their site. sometimes it happens that way. Anyway, taking a closer look and closer analysis on cost effectiveness it would be... oh wow, cash wise, I'd guestimate for all of them around $50+ USD ( in purchase the credits to buy them all ) or more, then u have to use them on ur homepage. don't know about everyone else but I don't believe I should have to play around with my homepage publicly or near abouts to do something I can do or learn to do for free without distractions of the activities of others on the site & & spend oh god in the thousands of creds for them and they warn everyone that the generators could go down at any given time without warming or liability.? However I love the idea of what they can do & that while they would be great on the fly, I don't want to go broke while messing around with them specially to learn how they work. I think right this second the person that owns them is the only one that is raking in boo coo bucks for a great idea that is way over priced.
But thank you so much I do have them all bookmarked and may used them in the future I just thought I would bring it up about the cost effectiveness .. have a wonderful day & super successful week ahead!

PS Sorry so long winded.. I couldn't find the words at times to properly convey what I was trying to say.. lol Salut!
Posted 10 years ago
Incorrect, the generators are not stickers that you need purchase. They are stand alone provided freely by the developer to use. Just follow the link DM provided. However the sticker purchase page gives into detail the instruction to reference to how to work the generators.
Posted 10 years ago
Oh awesome sum up!
Posted 6 years ago
this is very helpful ty
Posted 6 years ago
Great list of tools! thanks for the links guys love them! I will deff put these to use. You are all very helpful as always! Thanks again!

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