The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago
Why yes...yes I did you know? :)

And some things in excess are not bad. ;)

The person below me has a secret crush on someone.
Posted 10 years ago
Why yes...yes I did you know? :)

Yes, Darkest Fantasy, after giving this a thought, you're absolutely right. The following examples, even if done in excess, are not bad all, like love and happiness; being kind and compassionate; treating people with respect; etc.

The person below me plans to pack her suitcases and head down south of the border...
Posted 10 years ago
ROFL and how exactly did you know it would be a "her" that would be under you next? Hmmmm?

As for making plans for that, I doubt I'd be able to right now..but I definitely have the Urge to. :razz:

The person below me plans on making extra long comments to get even more Merits. :?:
Posted 10 years ago
Duh, it is so obvious the you and I have been currently dominating the Social Games, lol. It would be nice if lots of registered new peeps participate and have fun. There are no right or wrong answers. I hope they realize it's a good way to increase their number of posts, and quickly achieve Mafia VIP status and enjoy its perks. For now, I'll keep a low profile in the Social Games, and have our new forum/family members participate in the spirit of fun. Perhaps, I'll resume my Intel Departmental studies, and know them cold; unfortunately, receiving AP chat invites in IMVU is so distracting and tempting. 20/20 hindsight, I could have spent my Medits on 'name color changer' instead of Intel Department tuition. ROFL. :)

Psst! <whispering to Darkest Fantasy> Did I just made an extra long comment to acquire more Medits? LMAO. :)

I have the urge to temporarily STFU myself in the Social Games forum, and spend more time playing a newly acquired awesome 'toy' I recently bought here, called T3DE. ROFL. :)
Posted 10 years ago
Ahem...Mr "I like to make extra long comments to acquire more Medits" forgot to type "The person below me..." ROFL

Shall I continue? Or shall I just wait for you to correct it? -giggles as she thinks he's definitely distracted by those AP chat invites....wonders who's distracting him from continuing to play here...-
Posted 10 years ago
Darkest Fantasy wrote:
Ahem...Mr "I like to make extra long comments to acquire more Medits" forgot to type "The person below me..." ROFL

Shall I continue? Or shall I just wait for you to correct it? -giggles as she thinks he's definitely distracted by those AP chat invites....wonders who's distracting him from continuing to play here...-

Oops! Sorry, my bad, lol.

ROFL. Surely, I was distracted thinking this was the thread about "I Have the Urge to..."

The person below me is determined to continue this thread despite my snafu, lol. :)
Posted 10 years ago
Hahahaha You're right!

The person below me won't be a 'noob' for long if he keeps hanging around the right people. 8)
Posted 10 years ago
The person below me likely belongs to a prestigious cadre of "right people" who might consider helping me level up my "noob" status in the wonderful field of whatchamacallit. :)
Posted 10 years ago
~Looks below Gr8bugaly to see who is in a club of whatchamacallits and wonders how she could get an invite to that~ :roll:

Oh HAD to be ME under here...LMAO

The person below me....needs to be more precise and not just for medits LOL
Posted 10 years ago
<Still wondering what DF meant about me not "being a 'noob' for long"...Hmm, in what area/field of expertise?... Kama Sutra? Idk...> :)

Oh Goddess... I'm sooooooo clueless...

The person below me "speaks in parables," and I don't understand. I honestly don't have any idea what the person above me and likely the person below me, was referring to, so I can't be more precise in my response. Analogously, it's like GIGO . Referring to your statement about the noob status/right people, is this related to the parable of the red pill and blue pill?

The person below me, hopefully the same person above me, could also be more precise about paraphrasing her previous statement that I may understand and respond to her precisely.

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