Duh, it is so obvious the you and I have been currently dominating the Social Games, lol. It would be nice if lots of registered new peeps participate and have fun. There are no right or wrong answers. I hope they realize it's a good way to increase their number of posts, and quickly achieve Mafia VIP status and enjoy its perks. For now, I'll keep a low profile in the Social Games, and have our new forum/family members participate in the spirit of fun. Perhaps, I'll resume my Intel Departmental studies, and know them cold; unfortunately, receiving AP chat invites in IMVU is so distracting and tempting. 20/20 hindsight, I could have spent my Medits on 'name color changer' instead of Intel Department tuition. ROFL.
Psst! <whispering to Darkest Fantasy> Did I just made an extra long comment to acquire more Medits? LMAO.
I have the urge to temporarily STFU myself in the Social Games forum, and spend more time playing a newly acquired awesome 'toy' I recently bought here, called T3DE. ROFL.