The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago
<Still wondering what DF meant about me not "being a 'noob' for long"...Hmm, in what area/field of expertise?... Kama Sutra? Idk...> :)

Oh Goddess... I'm sooooooo clueless...

The person below me "speaks in parables," and I don't understand. I honestly don't have any idea what the person above me and likely the person below me, was referring to, so I can't be more precise in my response. Analogously, it's like GIGO . Referring to your statement about the noob status/right people, is this related to the parable of the red pill and blue pill?

The person below me, hopefully the same person above me, could also be more precise about paraphrasing her previous statement that I may understand and respond to her precisely.
Posted 10 years ago
-facepalm- And he states it twice to make sure I read it.... LOL 3):

Moving right along.....

The person below me ... most likely someone I know.
Posted 10 years ago
<Yesh, moving on...>

The person below me is most likely some avatar I met in one of the TIM parties. :)
Posted 10 years ago
-looks at Gr8bugaly- Oooooo you met a famous person? :shock: Anyone I know? Just kidding...we all know that we don't know who each other could be down on the client! :)

The person below me is a 'low-key' kind of person.
Posted 10 years ago

The person below me is wicked cool. :)
Posted 10 years ago
true...I am wicked need to turn this ac off

the person below picks their nose :shock:
Posted 10 years ago
True... I inconspicuously pick my nose, mining for boogers; I then consolidate them into a big one... roll it between my thumb and forefinger... and then briskly flick it in the air, or to somebody I dislike... gross, huh? ROFL.

The person below me wears contact lenses. :)
Posted 10 years ago
Hmmm Kinda True...I used to but not anymore.

The person below me is sitting there, staring at the screen, bored to tears.
Posted 10 years ago
False I ate a lot of sugar I am hyper as hell

The person below me has pink hair O.O
Posted 10 years ago
False. I have dark caramel brown hair...bleh, sounds unappetizing.

The person below me is bootylicious.

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