Would You Rather?

by AznPuff · 146 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago · Author
How you play: A person asks a would you rather question after answering the previous person's post :pumpkin:

Would you rather hunt your own food or pick up elephant droppings?
Posted 10 years ago
Pick up elephant droppings, surely it cannot be too bad :O

Would you rather live in a big box with nothing in there and it's always dead quiet?
live a life on the go, never staying in the same place?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Life on the go with good sleep. The former is a description for an insanity box.

Would you rather sing or rap all your words?
Posted 10 years ago
I would rather sing, I think I would get stuck with the rap.

Would you rather Have legs as long as your fingers OR Have fingers as long as your legs?
Posted 10 years ago
I like walking so I would have legs then long alien fingers xD

would you have Cake or Death?.....just remember the cake is a lie
Posted 10 years ago
"I'll have the chicken then"
Cake, this one cannot die so soon.

Have pubic hair for teeth OR teeth for pubic hair?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
....Eww Pampered Pancake.
I have to eat so the latter.... >__>

Would you rather have an extra day off or have a day with the fastest internet connection?
Posted 10 years ago
Filter feed :D

hmm, I think I would rather have an extra day off.

would you rather have a finger for a tongue or have tongues as fingers?
Posted 10 years ago
tongue as a finger.....

would you rather have wings or legs?
Posted 10 years ago
Wings :D
Would be awesome to fly~

Would you rather have no knees OR no elbows?

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