Would You Rather?

by AznPuff · 146 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago
Snow suit in Desert

Would you rather pee through your nose or sneeze through your genitalia?
Posted 10 years ago
Sneeze through my genitalia

Would you rather to always have to tell the truth OR always lie?
Posted 10 years ago
Always tell truth, again i think people can learn to deal :P

Would you rather no phone for 6 months or no internet for a month?
Posted 10 years ago
No phone

Would you rather to never shower again or never brush your teeth again?
Posted 10 years ago
Never Brush teeth

Would you rather be half a tree or half a fish?
Posted 10 years ago
Half a tree

Would you rather spend 48 straight hours in a public toilet or spend the next two month taking only public transportation.
Posted 10 years ago
48 hours in the toilet. (Public transportation would be completely unreliable in my situation.)

Would you rather have chocolate candy or fruit flavored candy?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Fruit flavored candy.

Would you rather have no soda for a year or eat only tofu for a month?
Posted 10 years ago
No soda for a year

Would you rather be able to eat anything and any quantity of food with no negative health effects, or be refreshed and well rested after only three hours of sleep?
Posted 10 years ago
Refreshed and well rested after only three hours... it would be great for me!
would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend or two lovers?

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