by AznPuff · 94 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago
when you forget to brush your teeth after you woke up. :v
Posted 10 years ago
When you post in this forum and instead you should be picking up chicks at the bar but you don't wanna go to the bar because you worked all day and your feet hurt and yet all your cool friends are posting on the forum so you wanna be as cool as them even though they have like a million posts but whatever you're a badass and you're gonna post whatever you want, whenever you want and no one's gonna stop you even though those chicks at the bar will never know that because you're here posting comments like the redundancy department of redundancy are you seriously reading all of this because if you are I commend you also I love you and think you're cool and don't you think being single is actually a great thing because I think it is sometimes and I feel good about myself because I'm pretty awesome so yeah I'm pretty happy despite all of that.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
When I can't decide what movie to rent.
Posted 10 years ago
AnghelBestBird wrote:
When you post in this forum and instead you should be picking up chicks at the bar but you don't wanna go to the bar because you worked all day and your feet hurt and yet all your cool friends are posting on the forum so you wanna be as cool as them even though they have like a million posts but whatever you're a badass and you're gonna post whatever you want, whenever you want and no one's gonna stop you even though those chicks at the bar will never know that because you're here posting comments like the redundancy department of redundancy are you seriously reading all of this because if you are I commend you also I love you and think you're cool and don't you think being single is actually a great thing because I think it is sometimes and I feel good about myself because I'm pretty awesome so yeah I'm pretty happy despite all of that.

When you write something THAT long xD
Posted 10 years ago
when you only concentrating on posting in the forum :v
Posted 10 years ago
When you struggle to form words infront of the opposite gender
Posted 10 years ago
You carry around your explicit dakimakura everywhere
Posted 10 years ago
You still bring your lightsaber with you for safety

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