You Know You're Old When...

by AznPuff · 164 posts
9 years ago in Social Games
Posted 9 years ago
You know you're old when you're the one making dad jokes
Posted 9 years ago
When you get white hair?
Posted 9 years ago
When you're terrified by your birthday :shock:
Posted 9 years ago
When you think the world is ending!
Posted 9 years ago
When you've lived through the end of the world several times
Posted 9 years ago
you hear someone say they were born in 2002 and it sends you into a mental time traveling machine taking you back to what you were doing at that time........My niece does not know who Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali or Bruce Lee are, is what I'm trying to say.
Posted 9 years ago
When kids these days don't know who your favourite actors/ bands are.
Posted 9 years ago
When kids these days say "Kids these days"
Posted 9 years ago
You realize your younger friends were in grade levels lower than you and therefore were once considered your rivals in school events.

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