Newbie here. Greetings!

by DarknessReader · 14 posts
16 years ago in Introductions
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Alrighty then..I'm Bobby, and I've been playing IMVU for..Not even a week! I like it a lot, and it helps me stay together with all my friends who prefer it over MSN. Most of my friends are still my WC3 Buddies, I'm a gamer at heart. It's good to be here, I found you guys when I got frustrated with the currency system of IMVU and was looking up cheats, h4c|<s, etc. Maybe that sounds dumb, but, I KNOW I'm not the only one who found you guys this way. I'm very mature and have a bad habit of typing "correctly", if you hadn't noticed..Again, it's good to be here, Hope the Mafia never dies!

Also, I forgot to mention when I posted this..But coding really interests me..I'm young, but I tried coding on WC3..I could do..a little bit I guess. I would LOVE to get into it, but I figure I'll have to wait until later in life, when I can get classes or something. I play a bunch of PC games, and soon some XBOX360 Games (When I get it). MSG me and maybe I'll try playing you or something!
Posted 16 years ago
Welcome to the Mafia.

i found the mafia the same way. bored looking for cheats stumbled across this sight and have been addicted ever since.
Posted 16 years ago · Author
HvO? I might have at some time, but it has been ages since I've even been on warcraft, although I do keep up with a bunch of my friends, why? What kind of game was HvO, to stir my memory?
Posted 16 years ago
Woa, nice, another wcIII'er, I still play quiet a bit, kind of looking for some really elite people on a map called 'Battle Mages'. So far its getting a tad boring... I got a buddy and we've done 5 vs 2 and won... with ease... then everyone left so I put my buddy on the other channel... and the one newbie that stayed as like... wtf? leme get out of the way of your nukes!... yeah... anyways, hit me up on Atthew99. Thats pretty much the only account I use on wcIII.
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Interesting..Perhaps this is a bit noobish, but wouldnt save/load in an AOS game (Which is a dota-like game right? I'll look at the site a bit more) make it..a bit imba when you're playing against new heroes? Am I missing something?

Btw, what Realm (I think that's the term..) do you play on? I've always been an Azeroth'er..If I get on, I'll be on bobbyrichmond, don't comment on the name please, I made it AGES ago. Btw, I've never played Battle Mages either..What games have I missed? I should get back into it..>.<.
Posted 16 years ago
Battle Mages is very new... not widely played yet...
But say... think of... counterstrike... where you have to aim the guns you shoot... now replace it with spells... of many different teirs, mana restrictions, like 6 feilds to play on... deathmatch or team game... spells from huge waves... to fire walls that burn the ground... to single big bullet bombs to arrow shards... to multiple arrow shards... walls for protection... some nukes from the sky... some from underground... and some healing... whats realyl nice though is now they are starting to add 'hybrid' spells, which is where you mix different elemental teirs to get spells... so sweet... and what is really sweet... all spells take some minor time to cast... nothing huge mind you, but enough, that when your skilled, you can dodge a lot of stuff before they throw it at you.. or at least dodge part of it so you don't take all the damage. Oh... and thats one of the main factors that will quickly seperate a pro from a newbie... i've seen people realize this the very first game, and were playing pro style by late game... though it took them a few more games to get the swing of spell building and junk... and more to find out how to fight different tactics... that small easy factor turns the game from dull to very interesting very fast... and is not very hard to learn.

Anyways, if you've been off for a while, then there is Island Defense, its like the old vampirism maps (like Vampirism Revamped and Vampirism Revolution 9.7) Only much more well developed and balanced, you have like 9-10 races to pick from as builder, each with different balancing, I mean major differences, and then 9-10 Titans (replaced vampires)... all in all its very nice and balanced. So those are the big maps... but yeah, I get on USEast aka Azeroth
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Awesome..I'll have to try out battle mages..Say, are you going to be playing much tonight? I'll be glad to try it out with you. I already logged on earlier and added you to my f list.

The way you describe it makes it sound so interesting makes me wonder how long the creator(s) spent triggering all the spells..I've tried that myself and almost cried at some of the complexities. I used to do some map making with one of my best wc3 friends, and we had a somewhat good map in the making (It was a RPG, maybe not some's thing), but we gave up when it came to triggering spell books, and being..Well, unlazy.
Posted 16 years ago
eh, no sorry, didn't see the post till today... and I was on till 2 am too... maybe tonight though, IMVU is pretty dead on mondays so I head over to wcIII.

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