Random setences

by Fallen · 131 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Post here anything random that comes to your head :P

Fart balances an unpredictable subroutine opposite a stretching geography. Fart aborts a worst invalid against your misprint. How will the obtainable mythology puzzle? How can fart negate death? Fart demonstrates the after pain against a stamped decade.
Posted 15 years ago
Well... What's on my mind... A story... about a house that I drove by the other day O_o
It was an old mansion to be exact... and it had this tower... and on this tower there was a rope o_O this rope... was tied around the top of the tower... kinda made you think that someone had climbed on top of the tower, with the other end of the rope around their neck.. and just... jumped. Like the most beautiful suicide you could ever see... in my head that is. O_o the image of that thought won't go away.
I'm fascinated with that mansion... I'm actually planning on taking a tour of it and finding out the true story of the previous owners :P
but yea.. that's on my mind XD
Posted 15 years ago · Author
*Argues with a crying emo cutting himself*

Your just a teen that entered an shity time of your life, FULL of hormones and that once in a while you just want to immitate someone else to be cool or just to please, because you emos, all of you say you're unique, well I everyday I see a bunch of you acting and dressing the same.
You think your smart? I don't think that cutting your self shows it at all.
You think that cutting will help your pain? Well it wont, half hour later the "normal" world is back to haunt you again.
My advice is: deal with it, there is many people out there who is in worse conditions than you.
Teen life is hard? This ain't half of it... so when you grow up, what will you do? Turn into a mad serial killer and 'cutting' everyone in your front? haha
Doing stuff like this, no wonder your parents think bad things of you and just ignore you. Act like an adult if you want others to treat you like one.
Now get up and and stop acting like a winning cry baby, because no one likes it! Else I'll have to put down your misery in a veeeery slowly way :evil: :evil: :evil:
Posted 15 years ago
i love to sleep naked in park on wet grass while i lay on my back and watch mood touching my skin with it rays :urgh:
Posted 15 years ago
my wife is pragnent and she gave birth to 50 babies i spent whole day giving them names :soppy:
Posted 15 years ago
Ejo Capo da'Retroguaria wrote:
my wife is pragnent and she gave birth to 50 babies i spent whole day giving them names :soppy:

You used that when I was pissed because of the Imp. xD

I'm not fat. I just got heavy bones.

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