VOLKERGEIST XML/RCP XSRF chat bot (2.0) - 0day (nonworking)

by Exploit · 2 posts
9 years ago in Python
Posted 9 years ago · Author
I need you, skilled python coders to help me~! this project is huge ;)

Read the dox first.

I had previously asked both admins about working on this and they attempted to help. I am now bringing the code out into the open for people to read and fork.

It does not work without the graveyard library, which is not distributed in this code. This "release" is in hopes skilled coders will be able to help me continuing my work.

Please note this is Python 2.7.x

[code=python file=ghost.py]
#!/usr/bin/python -O
# IMVUGhost 2.0 codename: VolkerGeist
# forked from dreamdatabses horrible imvu bot that would never have worked - http://pastebin.com/q70DgpTn
# Bypassing Authentcation:
# Idea #1:
# check if imvu running > if not start it
# start packet sniffer w/ xml filter, dump into temp text file
# while packet sniffer is running, add a threaded function to read the contents of the capture hunting for the string after If-None Match: jrc-
# make sure to capture a new one of these every 3-4 minutes.
# use string from threaded function to parse packets
# send string as authnetication for packets
#Current chat server: http://chat.imvu.com/api/xmlrpc/chat.php
# PARSED XML IS 100% ACCURATE! Only thing that i need now is to bypass authentication, i can make requests, but they don not work
#200 OK Data: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
# <fault>
# <value>
# <struct>
# <member>
# <name>faultCode</name>
# <value><int>30</int></value>
# </member>
# <member>
# <name>faultString</name>
# <value><string>client error. invalid authorization data for chat.checkForInvite2.</string></value>
# Which is the same error received before in previous (broken) versions of GHOST
# _____ __ __ _____ ____ _____ _______ _____
# |_ _| \/ | __ \ / __ \| __ \__ __/ ____|
# | | | \ / | |__) | | | | |__) | | | | (___
# | | | |\/| | ___/| | | | _ / | | \___ \
# _| |_| | | | | | |__| | | \ \ | | ____) |
# |_____|_| |_|_| \____/|_| \_\ |_| |_____/
import time
import httplib
import urllib
import os
#import gui
import sys
from os import system as sysc
# .-.
#(o o)
#| O \
import graveyard
# \ \
# `~~~'
#graveyard contains all the spells hehe!
g = graveyard
import threading
import string
import random
#uneeded gui shit
#from PySide.QtCore import *
#from PySide.QtGui import *
#import hashlib
#test = g.generatehash()
lst = ''
temp = ''
spell = ''
hashh = ''
def clear(object):
object = ''
return object
def randomhex():
global lst, hashh
hashh = ''
lst = ''
lst = [random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for n in xrange(33)]
hashh = "".join(lst)
return hashh
#variables from beyond the grave!
g.user = '1337'
g.room = '14432-32'
g.message = ''
g.lastmessage = ''
# _____ _ _ ____ _____ _______ _____
# / ____| | | |/ __ \ / ____|__ __/ ____|
# | | __| |__| | | | | (___ | | | (___
# | | |_ | __ | | | |\___ \ | | \___ \
# | |__| | | | | |__| |____) | | | ____) |
# \_____|_| |_|\____/|_____/ |_| |_____/
#boot spell - user
sumboot = g.summonboot()
#make new chat - user / room
sumgetmakechat = g.summongetmake()
#send new message - message / user / room
sumsendmesg = g.summonsend()
#get last message - last message /user / room
sumgetnewmesg = g.summongetmessage()
#ping spell
sumping = g.summonping()
#whisper spell - to_user / message / user / room
sumwhisper = g.sumwhisper()
# extra
lol = g.lol()
quad = g.boom()
spellist = [sumgetnewmesg, sumping,sumgetmakechat,sumsendmesg,sumgetnewmesg]
# __ __ _____ _ _
# | \/ | /\ |_ _| \ | |
# | \ / | / \ | | | \| |
# | |\/| | / /\ \ | | | . ` |
# | | | |/ ____ \ _| |_| |\ |
# |_| |_/_/ \_\_____|_| \_|
RHOST = "chat.imvu.com"
conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(RHOST)
params = urllib.urlencode({'@number': 12524, '@type': 'issue', '@action': 'show'})
headers = {"Content-type": "text/xml", "Accept": "text/plain", "Host": "chat.imvu.com", "Accept-Encoding": "identity", "User-agent": "IMVU Client/491 Python-urllib/2.6", "X-imvu-userid": "39",}
hextemp = 'jrc-%s'%hashh
headers["If-none-match"] = str(hextemp)
def ping():
global conx, sumping, data
print("[*] Channeling spirits from "+RHOST+"/api/xmlrpc/chat.php...") #HTTP Connexion
print("[*] Crafting spell for")
print "[!] Casting...\n\n"
conx.request("POST", "/catalog/skudb/chat.php",sumping, headers)
r = conx.getresponse()
data = r.read()
#print data
if r.status == 200 and "fault"not in r.reason:
print ('[!] Response:\n\n'),'HTTP Status:',r.status,r.reason,'\n\n[*] Packet data:\n\n',data,conx.close()
print 'Reqest failed with error:\n'
print r.status,r.reason

#cast is a function that will take any spell and send it off
def cast(spell):
# global g.user,g.room,g.message,g.lastmessage,RHOST
print("[+]Casting spell on "+RHOST+"/api/xmlrpc/chat.php...")
conx.request("POST", "/catalog/api/xmlrpc/chat.php",spell, headers)
r = conx.getresponse()
data = r.read()
print data
if r.status == 200 or r.reason == "OK":
print ('Request successful\nResponse:\n'),r.status,r.reason,'Data:',data,conx.close()
print 'Reqest failed with error:\n'
print r.status,r.reason
#threaded version of cast, not sure how to use it...lol
class threadrq(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
def cast(spell):
#global g.user,g.room,g.message,g.lastmessage,RHOST <-- wtf were you thinking this was never gonna be valid
print("[*]Casting spell on "+RHOST+"/api/xmlrpc/chat.php...")
conx.request("POST", "/catalog/skudb/chat.php",spell, headers)
r = conx.getresponse()
data = r.read()
print data
if r.status == 200 or r.reason == "OK":
print ('Request successful\nResponse:\n'),r.status,r.reason,'Data:',data,conx.close()
print 'Reqest failed with error:\n'
print r.status,r.reason

#threadrq().start().cast(spell)? maybe?

#threw all the test stuff into its own function
def testit():
print '\n[!] TEST: Displaying Headers:\n'
print headers
#print sumboot
print '\n[*] We are using :',threading.activeCount(),' memory thread(s)\n'
if "1337" in sumgetnewmesg and sumping and sumgetmakechat and sumsendmesg and sumgetmakechat and sumgetnewmesg:
print '[!] Correct user id:%s found in ALL summon spells\n\n\n\n[!] Congrats, XML can correctly be parsed and sent!\n'%(g.user)
#print '[!]Testing threaded request, expect an error, long as it works its all good.'
q = raw_input('Shall we run a few tests? (y/n)')
if q == 'y':
print '[!] TEST: Looking for UserID 1337 in packets'
g.user = '1337'
g.room = '433-23232'
print '[!] TEST: Attempting to connect to imvu....expect it to fail..\n\n\n'
Posted 9 years ago
I am still learning python. but this is very interesting. ill have to read the dox. thnx for sharing with us. ive been using some tools in kali-linux and windows. such as wireshark & burpsuite. i have gatherd alot of useful api's imvu have layed around. including the one mention in your Dox. the chat server. so as this is not so much of suprised. its more of excitement. lol.

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