Hydra wrote:Auto updating create mode.
Basically when you're working on a texture, you make it a hundred times and test it on IMVU a hundred times. It gets annoying finding the file clicking it, then applying changes. So something which automatically updates the IMVU every time a change is made to the file.
How about a simple hot key that when pressed on your keyboard, clicks the "apply changes" button for you? Create mode has lots of built in hotkeys that most people do not know about.
ctrl+a = apply changes
ctrl+s = save
Shift+ctrl+s = save as
Shift+ctrl+u = upload
ctrl+t = toggle tools on/off
ctrl+ + [plus] = show next tool tab to the right
ctrl+ - [minus] = show next tool tab to the left
ctrl+] or right arrow = show next mesh/action to the right
ctrl+[ or left arrow = show next mesh/action to the left
ctrl+' or up arrow = show next material/ensemble above
ctrl+; or down arrow = show next material/ensemble below
tab = hop from active field to active field
Shift+ctrl+d = opens Derive dialog
Shift+ctrl+o = opens local project dialog
Shift+ctrl+e = opens edit existing product dialog
Alt+Ctrl+c = opens Create Mode
There might be more that DM can find in the client code. Those hot keys should make your texturing more convenient and easier to do.