Hydra wrote: D.M wrote: Hydra wrote:I don't know about you guys but I HATE all the spam I get from IMVU_Offers. I can't even block them so they don't send me messages. Its so annoying! If I don't log on for a day, I have like 4 messages from them piled up. Every time I log on, I have to delete them all. I've accidentally deleted messages I didn't want to because of this, and I got really annoyed because of this. It'd be awesome if someone made something which went ahead and auto deleted all the IMVU_Offer messages.I've thought about adding this feature to T3DE if possible, haven't done the research yet though. I'm not sure how to automatically do it any other way.Maybe like a website javascript/macro thing that automatically detects and deletes the messages? You just run it every time you see you have messages from them?
Well, if you're using the website message system, then yes that would be possible. I am not sure if GreaseMonkey scripts are capable of invoking clicks or not but if they are, it might be possible to write a GreaseMonkey script that scans your images looking for ones created by people you don't want then clicks them, then click the delete option in the drop down.
If GreaseMonkey can't invoke clicks then the best you could do would be to hide the messages on the site but they would still appear in your inbox on the client.
But if people are okay with that then I could write something up.