F.A.T.E. wrote:Many people on this Earth are weak, and when they feel it's impossible to get your positive attention they go for your negative attention because they feel it's better than no attention at all. Sad but common, this is why trolls exist, this is what bullying stems from. So how do we rebuttal this? It's simple: The absolute best way to deal with an online stalker like this is to refuse to give their attention, YOUR attention.By showing this person that they are effecting you, you are feeding into their warped idea of your relationship. They are happy to play antagonist because at least they get your attention. By allowing their movements to force you to make movements, you are giving them control. It isn't about a relationship with this person, it's about knowing that they can make you show emotion whenever they want. So my advice to you is to completely disregard them. If they make a message to you, don't respond with "leave me alone" or "stop stalking me or I'll do this". Just don't respond at all. Block and delete their previous message. If they make a room that resembles yours, let them. Let them feel stupid as they sit in a room by their self. If they contact your friends with weird messages, tell your friend that they are just a sad stalker and to not respond.TL: DRDo NOT feed the trolls.
completly right i like the trolls part lol
anyway eventhough its hard to do what F.A.T.E ust said basicly thats what you have to do and as i previousy stated in another post just like this changing an account name or making another account is not a solution specialy if that stalker had time to know how you behave, how you talk, how you dress etc plus he may know some of your friends so no matter what you change about your account he\she manages to find you.
the solution to this is quite simple.Besides doing what F.A.T.E said you can block every acc he she is making posibly using imvu lite from here you can simply mute that acc so you cant see what he\she is typinng for you in chats.
if you have vip you can make your rooms friends only.thats a major help.
Adding to this make your profile and messages available for friends only
By muting them and not seeing what they type for you its easyer to ignore them.That way they will eventualy give up.
Wish you Goodluck and if you need aditional help we are here to help you
Don Von Alpha Dom has a service for helping you more with this.It wont be cheap but he will get the job done you can pm him for more details