Vertex Paint modifier

by Axiom · 5 posts
8 years ago in 3Ds Max
Posted 8 years ago · Author
Well, I discovered this way to make dramatic textures without using opacity or weird planes on mesh, expecially in a room mesh for Imvu. That's not really a tutorial but a test... I'm learning about this trick right now :D

Let's go to build a simple land step by step.

1. Make a plane, add some polygon if you wanna build some hillside. CREATE :arrowr: PLANE :arrowr: PARAMETERS (optional)


2. Convert in Editably Poly


3. Click on Vertex Paint from Modifiers List, you will see the Vertex Paint window pop in.


4. Click on Vertex Color Display - Unshaded :arrowr: Paint All


5. Make lights lines using the Erase button, adjust size and opacity by parameters. Then use Blur or Blur all to make a perfect shadow.


Then use Blur or Blur All to make a perfect shadow.


6. Click on Material Editor :arrowr: Diffuse :arrowr: Bitmap :arrowr: Mix, to make a double texture.


7. You need to charge two different textures in this way:


8. Now, just you have to assign the material, you should see your plane like in this pic


9. Go ahead and click on Skin modifier :arrowr: Parameters :arrowr: Add :arrowr: Root, then export xsf, xmf files.

10. Here we go, IMVU create mode... Charge your files in Derive New Product :arrowr: Rooms & Furniture :arrowr: Furniture :arrowr: Go :mrgreen:


11. On Material Parameters click on Vertex Color.


I know I missing a step because that's not the result I wished.
Where I was wrong? I'd love your help to make it as a good tutorial for ppl who wanna learn to create their own meshes. :sanata:
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks mate, This is quite interesting, I gotta do some experimenting again with such stuff.

As a side note, wow I am impressed it looks like finally imvu decided to release new exporters that work with new versions of 3dsmax, back then at my times xD they supported exporters only for old versions which was a major turn-off for me, jeez im such an outdated dude :roll:
Thanks again buddy,
Posted 8 years ago
Great tutorial!!! I can see vertex painting has so many possibilites and can definately set one apart from unknowlegable meshers making products more realistic. I can see using this in fires to cast a glow. Ive usually had to add shading and depth to get textures to glow or pop. Then in meshes ive used omni lighting. But with this, this would eliminate the nasty avatar face shadow that i hate. I also like the fact that if a deriver doesn't want to use the vertex color they can choose to turn the option off. I am going give this a try.

Noticed in the client that the brown tint did not transfer. I wonder if that was because the color was made in the material setting. Still unclear what you mean by "double texture" as the color info gets baked into the vertices of the single material. Just my thought before testing, but i'm going test by changing shadow color in vertex paint modifier versus material. Will post if that ends up working in client.

Only other feedback i can give is that in other tutorials it's not clear how to export. I assume vertex modifier is below skin. And does it need to be collapsed?

Elie wrote:
Thanks mate, This is quite interesting, I gotta do some experimenting again with such stuff

Do?...You must. :D The force to suck you back is strong! Don't care if it's been awhile, i am sure you've got some helpful useful tips & tricks. And yes, exporters avail upto 2016. Lucky because we prob won't see frequent updates.

-- Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:07 pm --

Made grassy plane

Applied vertex paint modifier. Used 100% opacity, changed to brown tint versus the black.

Result in max

Totally skipped steps 6&7. Used standard bitmap settings.

In client w/o vertex color checked. I know material numbering is off. This was just a test.

Vertex box checked. Brown tint is applied like in max.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
Work!!!!!! I completely ignored the Color Selector to turn black in different color.
thanks for completing this tut.

That's my room in progress, and I got a super dramatic floor in the garden :fireworks: rainbowsheep :fireworks:


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