Guy that "turns off the light" (Doing it for 2 months)

by Hydra · 26 posts
7 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 7 years ago
I actually know a girl that does this to the room she visits. She also uses actions on people she dosent like (usually other females). Maybe the same person.It's really annoying because it usually clears out the room.
Posted 7 years ago
Did you already tried contacting the owners of the rooms so they can perma ban that guy?
Posted 6 years ago
I had to laugh when I read this thread as I used to pull the same trick use the lights on lights off product. Not being abusive but meerly as a joke when I am in a room full of friends. A friend and Mine would go in and take turns turning the lights out and they would turn them on making everyone wonder WTF. A way to counter this is there are also products out there that let alone turn the lights out it also turns them on so if someone comes in and turns the lights out then put yours on and turn them back on. Also, to be able to boot the known person of the Dark room Prank it is designed now that if you click on the persons name click on the block button and there you are able to boot as well. This is also useful now if someone is using the invisibility look. Having to click on the person to boot is not the only option anymore.
Posted 6 years ago
Interresting product xD
Posted 6 years ago
People like that are really annoying, already saw alot of people that do that..
Posted 6 years ago
Does the mute feature still exist on IMVULite? Or does anyone know of a client with the mute feature? I meet a bunch of crashcoders nowadays, and I just want to mute their avatar so that I won't be bothered by their miscellaneous actions.

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