Posted 7 years ago
Adryan wrote:I meant the Boot option in the room list.
> Joins a random room where I'm not a mod
> Checks room's user list
> Picks a random person
> Clicks on report icon on their profile picture
> Clicks on Boot
> Pop up opens saying confirm or something (Don't have it on top of my head)
> Clicks Ok/Yes> Nothing happens ofcourse nothing happens and the reason for that is your not a mod.You gave your own solution to the problem.You can't boot someone if room isn't yours or you're not mod
Ah. Now I get the point. Since IMVU doesn't let you boot people without having to join the room you are mod at, IMVULite lets you do that. But can't a check be added before it displays such option.
Can't it check Room's mod list to check if user exists or not as a mod then display the option accordingly?