Would You Rather?

by AznPuff · 146 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago
On my back, cuz then I'd have so damn balance for the freaking front already!!!

Would you rather have a million bucks or two wishes?
Posted 7 years ago
NekaLion wrote:
On my back, cuz then I'd have so damn balance for the freaking front already!!!Would you rather have a million bucks or two wishes?


hmm a million bucks or two wishes. Depends are there any consequences to those wishes cause usually there is. xD cause if there is then I'll take the million bucks, but if there isn't then I'm taking the 2 wishes cause then I could use a wish for a million bucks. xD I just made that more complicated than it had to be. CURSE MY BRAIN WHEN IT WANTS TO THINK!
Posted 7 years ago
-blinks, and shoves her off the chair- Can't just be simple about it lolll. Annd you forgot to say a would you ratherrrr :panda18: yer fired xD
Posted 7 years ago
Would you rather have me as a fat man or me as a fat woman?
Posted 7 years ago
A fat man cause he is still a man!

Would you rather have a motorcycle or a truck?
Posted 7 years ago
A motocycle cause gass would be cheeper!

Would You Rather be poor or dead?
Posted 7 years ago
I would rather be poor because I would still be alive and would work harder to make more money.

Would you rather have skinny woman who hates you or a fat one who loves you?
Posted 7 years ago
love chumps everything...

Would You Rather have a man with a big :dick2: that cheats on you, or a man with a tiny :dick: thats faitful?
Posted 7 years ago
A man with a tiny :dick: that is faithful. He can always use or do other things to pleasure you as well as use his tiny one and at least he is not an ass by cheating on you.

Would you rather have woman with big :boobs: who cheats on you or a woman with a mastectomy who is faithful? :rudolph:

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