Ethan's Introduction

by Marquisdesfleurs · 14 posts
15 years ago in Introductions
Posted 15 years ago
ok he come and dont write nothing tell me how does that help us ..
Posted 15 years ago
Well we know we have another member :)

And don't discourage him into leaving ejo >_<

Most people just lurk around, looking for ways to get free credits, that pretty much what this mafia is all about. Sure we love activity on this forum, but for the most part if people just want to look around, they are welcomed to.

Besides its your losses anyway :( We get to see the much cooler ways to free credits while everyone else is stuck with the easy but simplistic methods.
Posted 15 years ago

And, just that he is active, that he visits us and that he registered is something. Also because he introduced himself.

If you should ''hate'' something than that we get like 20? members a day and 0.5 of them do introduce theirselfs.
Posted 15 years ago
when he shows up u guys tell me

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