Posted 7 years ago
IMVU is a business, of course. When I say it is, I'm in no way saying that it's fair. They have to make money, they have to pay workers and considering their targeted audience is mostly teens/adults with jobs or at least kids who have their parent's money to blow on a virtual site. They take it to their advantage and that screws pretty much everyone over. They hold over 10 sales a day just to make some quick money. The funny thing is? They don't spend the money they earn on improving clients or customer service. Both still sucks and I don't recall a recent update that make anything less sucky than it was before. As for the boycotting, I'm sure the loss of a few hundred dollars won't do much to them, since they probably make a good several thousand each week from sales.
TL;DR IMVU is shit and we can't do anything about it.
TL;DR IMVU is shit and we can't do anything about it.