You know it's over when...

by AznPuff · 113 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago
Christian wrote:
You know its over when you been drinking all night and you wake up next morningfeeling sore in places the sun dont shine.

@ Christian, ROFL LMAO bet you won't drink all night again w/o a butt shield :awesome40:

You know when it's over when your supposed mate stops noticing you exist and is more interested in the internet due to his inability to perform.
Posted 7 years ago
Kari Wolf wrote:
ROFL LMAO bet you won't drink all night again w/o a butt shield

Ummmm! No comment. ROFL!!!

Kari Wolf wrote:
You know when it's over when your supposed mate stops noticing you exist and is more interested in the internet due to his inability to perform.


You know its over when Your girl reads your text messages!

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