IMVU Room Finder

by DataMine · 184 posts
7 years ago in Premium IMVU Tools
Posted 7 years ago · Author
The Room Finder isn't for sale right now, it needs to be updated. I will update it after I am done with other projects.

The IMVU Room Finder is a program that lets you search through someone's room history and show all the rooms they've been to.


IMVU keeps a record of every room you've ever joined or created. Information about the rooms is stored in a user's room history. The history includes information about the room such as:

The name
The rating (ap/vip)
The owner
Occupants (list of people in the room)
Whether or not auto boot is enabled
Download size
Moderators (list of people who are room mods)
Max users


The IMVU Room Finder lets you type in anyones name and see all this information on the rooms in their history.

-See what rooms someone has been to or created.
-See who they are hanging out with
-See if they are in any rooms publicly or privately
-Get the join link for the room so you can join the room if it's still active


Click here to purchase
Posted 7 years ago · Author
The IMVUMafias Room Finder has been updated

If you are an existing customer please check your inbox for the download link


:star: The search feature now guesstimates where the end of someone's room history is and only searches that range rather than the full 2,000 rooms so you no longer waste time searching where rooms don't exist.

:star: The deep search limit has been lowered to 2,000 down from 10,000. Most users probably won't have anywhere near 10k rooms. This will also speed up the search process. If this limit is too low, let me know.

:star: You can now search the room history in reverse. This allows you to find newer rooms quicker in the hopes of finding rooms with occupants.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
One of the features hindering progress on the update are the filters. One of the things I would like to do with the new version is change how the filters work. I would like to make the filters usable while a search is running so you can change the visible of ap/vip, empty, mode etc rooms.

Is this something you all want or care about?
Posted 7 years ago
we talked about it dosent show all the rooms someone is in at that moment due the servers etc stuff, the what DM said above is good and alot of times i need to x out of program to start new search othervise it wont work
Posted 7 years ago · Author
You shouldn't need to restart the Room Finder to run a new search. I designed it so you can cancel a search at any time to start a new one.

As for not showing all the rooms, this program isn't meant to be a spy tool, it will only show you rooms someone has created through out their lifetime on IMVU. I also do not know how often the IMVU updates the room history so it's possible it could take a while before the room is added to the history.
Posted 7 years ago
if i search for one name, in the last versions it was showing me just if he is in one of his privat rooms.
if he is in a privat room from someone other, i need to search for the other name.
i dont know but i think in the very old versions it showed me all privat rooms.

hope u can understand what i mean. my english is not the best
Posted 7 years ago
This would be so clutch!
Posted 7 years ago
Modified wrote:
This would be so clutch!
Posted 7 years ago
I've just been using the older version, the one that has 10000 in deep search. I find that one works the best for me. Then newer version just sits there most of the time, like it is stuck, if I restart it a few times it might work. Also when it did work it did not find the rooms that the person was in, but the old one did. As for a spy tool that would be nice :) j/s.

I would be glad to beta test this if you need me too. :awesome13:
Posted 7 years ago
Works awesome for me both in administrator and local user.

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