How to Find Anyone's Actual Gender on IMVU

by Gipper · 9 posts
7 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 7 years ago · Author

Thought this would be helpful. This will work on any chat Web site, publication, e-mail, Forum, or chat/text relay. Looking at someone's gift list can often determine if they are male or female on IMVU. However, there are some people who only wishlist female items to pass as female, and vice-versa, sometimes for the purposes of catfishing/trolling. This method works on one simple principle: Your writing style is fundamentally different from any given member of the opposite sex.

Males and females both form ideas differently and structure their sentences differently from one another. Rather than pointing out all of the differences in one long post, I have found a tool that uses this science and automates it. After using it myself in IMVU, I can confirm that while it is imperfect, some of the results you get about your friends list might make you wonder. Start off by using it on this post and figure out what my real gender is, he, he. XD

Keep in mind that nothing is 100% accurate, and some people identify is female or male and may put that as their gender, but if you want a better than 60% indicator to determine someone's sex, here it is:


And further reading:

Posted 7 years ago
Lol, when I clicked on this, i thought this was some sort of bypass. Nevermind. And there are always people who act like girls but a dudes, vise versa. I don't think this website will ever be accurate enough.
Posted 7 years ago
This is so cool thanks for sharing. I had found a University that had a generator that could tell you whether two different samples of writing were from the same person. I will try to find it in my ocean of bookmarked stuff, and post it.
Posted 7 years ago
Dosent gender show on the invite popup screen? You can trick them to inviting you and check their gender.
I usually look thru their wishlist and saved outfits. I dont believe anybody until they give me actual proof thought.
Posted 7 years ago
6Rings wrote:
Dosent gender show on the invite popup screen? You can trick them to inviting you and check their gender.
I usually look thru their wishlist and saved outfits. I dont believe anybody until they give me actual proof thought.

I think what the author meant was that sometimes people lie about their gender in order to catfish. You can wear pretty female items all you'd like just to troll someone and actually be a male.
Posted 7 years ago
This came in very handy i never really thought about it xD im so paranoid about being catfished now
Posted 7 years ago
On Imvu there really is no way to tell if the gender they place are actually who or what they say. Everyone still views IMVU as a game rather then a social platform and feel that creating thier characters is much like doing one in other MMROPG games. never take what you see on ones card as being factual unless you have spoken with that person in person and then again do not believe pictures as so many post fake real life pictures of themselves. Now through the years I have met people that are honest and reveal themselves to be who they are in real life. There is a point where fantasy is fantasy but you do develop real relationships IE...Love and Friends and that is when all the shrouds should come off and the facts be revealed. I guess I am one of the few that my card reads exactly who I am A female and my real age although I have changed my location of origins due to a stalker I do let those I speak to that I am in another place aka my real place.

I have known people on IMVU that play the opposite sex because of thier self esteem as to who they really are but they have also pulled me to the side and told me thier real gender and as to why they have chosen to protray the opposite sex. To me that is not catfishing but a way of them trying to identify with who they are. It is the ones that are male that play female or vice versa that do not let on that they are not what they are and get involved with them and well lets be real being even sexual with you and you reveal things that are personal that to me is down right rude, snneky and discusting. As it is forcing me to go against what I believe in and what could of been a great union you end up hating that person for what they have done and then here comes the harassing bullying stalking and reporting of un necessary things. So best to just protect yourself and not assume anything unless through a phone call or skype. Myself i prefer skype because if I come across a dirt bag I can delete and block easily or if needs be I can delete my whole skype account and create a new one there fore that person will not be able to locate me again in the real world. So set up a alternate Skype account and use it only for IMVU contacts. :katheart3:
Posted 4 years ago
Gender doesn't matter on imvu some girls are men and some men are girls lol

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