Introducing Myself

by Cassiel95xx · 8 posts
7 years ago in Introductions
Posted 7 years ago · Author
:katheart7: :katheart7: HELLO! My name Is Cassie! :katheart7: :katheart7:
You are more than welcome to call me Cass xD
I am new to Mafia page, but have been on imvu for 8 years :kat_emoji18:
I love to do edits (although I am not the best, so don't make fun of me) haha
I love to sing, draw, and play video games :kat_emoji16:
I am so interested in meeting all the amazing beings in this community !
Don't be shy to say hello! :katheart2:

Btw, bring cho chip cookies. ;P :kat_emoji16: HAHA!
Posted 7 years ago
Nice to meet you, I'm new to this place aswell :kat_emoji18:
But if you need help with anything let me know!

I hope you have a great time here!

They don't have chocolate chip smilies
:awesome4: :awesome4: :awesome4:
Posted 7 years ago
Whalecum! YOU HAVE COOKIES! Errmahgawd :panda9: I'll try not to raid your pockets..Maybe..oops too late. :panda6:

Get acquainted with the rules and such: viewforum.php?f=2
Don't be afraid to post, if you know something we might not, tell us about it. Earn medits and play the lottery: points.php?mode=lottery

Go buy naughty stuffs from the black market and get sexy with people O.O : buysell/black_market_index.php

Check out Awesome must have tools: viewforum.php?f=179

And please feed the animals! :panda6:
Posted 7 years ago
Heya :wave:
Posted 7 years ago
:dancingapple: :dancingbannana: WELCOME :dancingbannana: :dancingapple:

We here are all just as friendly as can be and we welcome you here. Take a gander or a stroll and look around. Be sure to read the forums and chime in as those merit points come to use. Gain your ranks and make some new friends. Alot here are friendly and helpful don't be afraid to ask or stop and chat or to add those that you like to know. Hey Clue out there if you find someone has been really helpful and informative to you throw them a few Karma and show your appreciation for thier help. Most of all BE ACTIVE Nothing Like threads dying out because people become inactive. Help keep them updated. Nice to meet ya welcome and have FUN FUN FUN :dancingbunny: :dancingbunny: :dancingbunny:
Posted 7 years ago · Author
It is so nice to meet you all :kat_emoji16: :katheart1:
And cookies forrrr everyoneeee ! haha :panda6: :panda6:
I have been browsing the site, and feel i've gotten the idea of it.
Will continue to be active :awesome13:
HAPPY 4th all of you beautiful people :fireworks: :blueHeart:
Posted 7 years ago
Cassiel95xx wrote:
It is so nice to meet you allAnd cookies forrrr everyoneeee ! hahaI have been browsing the site, and feel i've gotten the idea of it.Will continue to be activeHAPPY 4th all of you beautiful people

:panda1: :panda1: :panda1:
Posted 7 years ago
Welcome and enjoy :) Happy 4th everyone! :panda1:

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