Posted 7 years ago
Can you tell me if using this will allow one to create without having VIP as it seems now you have to have VIP to create unless grandfathered in and once your VIP lapses or expires everything you have done or made is taken out of the catty which is really unfair as you should still be able to have your items in the catty as they were produced while you had VIP which I feel is another way for IMVU to screw someone over again. As well as I saw that my pending credits to recieve have also been frozen till I reinstate VIP why hold me credits that I have earned while I was VIP ..It's penalizing us so bad for not having VIP it should only be if your VIP lapses then you simply cannot create more from that time till you reinstate it not yank your products and place a hold on your incoming credits...grrrrrrr