Beware of Mods

by absynthian · 79 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 9 years ago
Agree!!! I steer clear of the forums.

Wishful thinking to think the forum mods need a yearly evaluation of their performance. In order for them to continue with their position must maintain a standard in which they had been originally inducted. No surprise there's abuse of power when youre not accountable.
Posted 9 years ago
xhynrae wrote:
Agree!!!I steer clear of the forums.Wishful thinking to think the forum mods need a yearly evaluation of their performance.In order for them to continue with their position must maintain a standard in which they had been originally inducted.No surprise there's abuse of power when youre not accountable.

I totally agree xhynrae....they really have to evaluate the mods performance...If creators are being evaluated every month, mods has to be evaluated too...maybe this will lessen the abuse and power trips of mods... :snowman: :snowman: :snowman:
Posted 8 years ago
old woman shouldnt they be in the kitchen making us chicken n noodles and apple pie? :sm1: :sm0:
Posted 8 years ago
Jaysin666 wrote:
old woman shouldnt they be in the kitchen making us chicken n noodles and apple pie?

Posted 8 years ago
Angelidis wrote:
After 3 months of being harassed by 1 nut and her hench men a imvu moderator who was her friend killed my acount. happy to report that after 2 weeks of fighting with imvu my acount is back and imvu is - 1 bad moderator.

You really did a good job....i admire and envy you as well....I have tried to battle with a mod a long time ago....end up in despair....not to many are lucky enough... but it is good to know that some does... :sm1: :sm0: :wave:
Posted 8 years ago
Xhynrae wrote:
Agree!!!I steer clear of the forums.Wishful thinking to think the forum mods need a yearly evaluation of their performance.In order for them to continue with their position must maintain a standard in which they had been originally inducted.No surprise there's abuse of power when youre not accountable.

Yeah, I stay away from those folks. I think my account was disable like 6 or 7 time back when I was posting in their forum. I still manage to get my dev account back, but I stay far away from them as much as possible. Terrible people they are.
Posted 7 years ago
I'll have to be honest, when anything annoying is going on, I'm always in the forums posting. The mods bitch about the stupidest things that they KNOW they want to say themselves. As devs, they say "mod hat off" and then jump right on our banwagon most times. They are a bunch of hippocrates really.

And they always side with whoever sniffs their asses the most, the way to get a mod to give you special favors is to suck up to them hard pfftt. Really its like they put it out there like :dick: and then you should go like to get anything from them. :awesome3:

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