Changes In Peer Review Tips and Help

by NEKALION · 45 posts
7 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 7 years ago · Author
@J E F F


Sep 13, 2017

Thanks for this very active thread, everyone. For those newer creators here, or those who may not remember the Peer Review processing times from a few years ago, I can appreciate that it's a bit concerning that your products aren't passing instantly sometimes. Even through these changes, the vast majority (~75%) of product submissions were passed almost immediately through regular peer review. As I mentioned previously, we will continue to adjust our Peer Review algorithm frequently, and we will not be letting you know when that happens. As DA5 said earlier in the thread, this defeats the purpose of the system. Many are already talking about ways to game the system to get their products to pass prematurely. Do you see how that requires us to continue to be more strict, not less?

One more note: if you submit content (both trademarks and music) that is obviously not yours and for which you do not have demonstrable proof of reproduction rights, we will always reserve the right to remove that content and require proof of your permission to use that intellectual property. This is not a new rule. If you try to sell someone else's property as your own, you are breaking our Terms of Service, and, in many cases, the law, and it will often lead to the immediate liquidation of your account.

My two cents: To me it seems as if they are going after copyrights, maybe they got into some hot water? lol I suspected that it may have been copyright related since the majority of the people complaining were DJs. Now they ask for you to PROVE the content music/ branding etc is yours b4 they pass it, if it gets sent to staff for review. I actually like this, but I feel bad for the DJs.

Dev question: "immediate liquidation of your account", The Liquidator has spoken! What's the time frame that IMVU is hoping to maintain for staff reviews?

@J E F F


Sep 13, 2017
We don't really have a specific SLA for peer review response times, but our biggest concern is not allowing the volume to get out of control and compound over time. We have dials we can tweak to send more or less content for internal review.

My two cents: Don't blatantly use copyrighted things, Hide them if you have them, cause if you get a hater that knows you are using copyrighted materials, all they have to do is flag your entire copyrighted line to get you disabled. Since now it will be even easier to do that.
Posted 7 years ago
I agree because i've seen pro creators fallin off like flies lately and their entire shop is squeaky clean.

"CREATORS" Please be very careful out there!!! IMVU do not care about their creators.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Different schools of thought on whether they actually care or not. IMVU is first and foremost a business.
They 100% care that they have creators, I believe they do infact want to keep us around, however making money and making us/keeping us happy, don't always go hand n hand.

It didn't start out that way, it was just a virtual community with its first owners. They were just happy to make some money with this thing they thought up and enjoyed. I think it got to much to handle and they handed the ropes over to ppl that could actually make IMVU very profitable.

I mean they could have just said "screw creators, we don't need to pay you guys at all" The way that you know that they need us, is that they are trying to pay us for the things we give to their site, to keep making ppl want to buy credits. No new content, no new customers, site gets boring, ppl leave, so they have to care.

Business discussions and customer happiness with IMVU are just rarely two things that can coexist peacefully. They have highs and lows, but in 11yrs they/we are still here so you just gotta take the bad with the good.
Posted 7 years ago
It's called...replenishment base. "Care" would signify the effort on their part of client's commitment for longevity and those long timers are getting fewer and fewer. Do they care for the individual creators themselves, hell no. Far too long they've pacified users; perhaps w new guy in charge changes are coming along, slowly. It is about the bigger picture...they are a business and bottom line is what matters.

Posted 7 years ago · Author
Well, as I said, the discussions they make and our happiness don't always go hand n hand. YES, if we leave two more will take our place. BUT, another bigger picture is that if you stay and adjust with the changes, it usually ends up being better for a long time dev. Well in my experience it has.

I can't agree that we are all replaceable, since some of us are vastly different from the rest. However, you are correct, another will take up the space if we leave it lol.

I remain that they care that they have us though. Since they need us. Grandfathered devs, they are less enthused about, cause we don't make them monthly sales lol.
Posted 7 years ago
As far as I can tell, all of this came about due to a legal battle IMVU is currently in with google / youtube ... involving triggered music products in the IMVU catalog. I'm not sure how they think sending 25% of products to customer service review will help the situation though.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
I started to gather that as well Don. I assume they are attempting to stop people with triggered music, before it enters the catalog. The majority of people that make triggered music, are now stating that creators have to prove that they own the copyrights/and or the documentation to prove that they have the right to use it. 25% seems low, but they are catching/stopping a ton of triggered songs before they get into the catty at the moment, as far as social media, pulse and the forums are concerned.
Posted 7 years ago
NekaLion wrote:
I started to gather that as well Don. I assume they are attempting to stop people with triggered music, before it enters the catalog. The majority of people that make triggered music, are now stating that creators have to prove that they own the copyrights/and or the documentation to prove that they have the right to use it. 25% seems low, but they are catching/stopping a ton of triggered songs before they get into the catty at the moment, as far as social media, pulse and the forums are concerned.

Instead of sending 25% of everyone to customer service review though ... you would think they would conserve resources by only targeting products that contain ogg files.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
@Don, Ha! See that would be smart, but I think IMVU does just about everything ass backwards. :lol:

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