Photo stream outfit viewer?

by nymphetamine · 9 posts
8 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 8 years ago · Author
Is there any possible way to see the products that someone is wearing in a photo, shared on Photo stream if their outfit is hidden?
Posted 8 years ago
nymphetamine wrote:
Is there any possible way to see the products that someone is wearing in a photo, shared on Photo stream if their outfit is hidden?

Simple answer is no. There was a way once upon a time, but not anymore. Best way now is to go into a room with them and do the "products in scene" thing
Posted 8 years ago
a photo is a set of pixels, so probably you won't be able to extract anything related to the outfit from them, unless you know some programs that would do some mapping between the structure and colors created by these pixels and the actual outfit as a product which is quite a hassle. .
Posted 8 years ago
No, but it is possible to browse people's outfits. It's something I wanted to make a tool for eventually.
Posted 7 years ago
D.M wrote:
No, but it is possible to browse people's outfits. It's something I wanted to make a tool for eventually.

that would be actually great!
Posted 7 years ago
D.M wrote:
No, but it is possible to browse people's outfits. It's something I wanted to make a tool for eventually.

And without the tool, how you do it?
Posted 7 years ago
it would be great as an idea a program that displays the player's outfits.
Associating with the outfit cloner of Don Von ... perfect combo :awesome10:

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