huge ass project . im in trouble. i wanna die. help (C)

by iamgayaf15 · 11 posts
6 years ago in Help & Requests
Posted 6 years ago · Author
so i have this huge ass project and the problem is that when i input a char just to check it
the program sort of crashes crashes. (it just prints nonestop)
(it may be something little i didnt see but im quite "blind" to those things
i will never see the problem unless someone points it out)

to point it out . the functions within the 'switch case/break' are completely fine

 /**this function gets a choice and calls to the functions who do the rest of the game
input : choice ,  answer
output : none , when you lose or win it asks you if you wanna play again **/
void levelChoice(void)
   int choice = 0;
   enum Level
      easy = 1,
   scanf("%d", &choice);
   if ((choice < ONE)||(choice < ZERO)||(choice > SIX)) /* i know the default is supposed to do
   this job but as you see when i input a char its still crashes. */
      printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
      } while (YES == answer);
      if (NO != answer)
         printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
         scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      switch (choice)
         case easy :
            rounds = EROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
               printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case medium :
            rounds = MROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
               printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case hard :
            rounds = HROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # #");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case crazy :
            int Crounds = (rand() % 21) + 5;
            rounds = Crounds;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               printf("$ $  C R A Z Y  M O D E  $ $ \n\n");
               fc = hits();
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         default :
            printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
            } while (YES == answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
I think your variable "answer" is out of scope of your do while loop. Does this program have any global variables or global constants declared? I do not see any.

answer is a global variable actually
those are my global variables:

int fc = 0; /// calls some of the functions 

int rounds = 0;
int guesses = 0;

char digit1 = '0'; /// generates the secret password
char digit2 = '0';
char digit3 = '0';
char digit4 = '0';

char digitA = '0'; /// input guess
char digitB = '0';
char digitC = '0';
char digitD = '0';

char answer = '0'; ///
Posted 6 years ago

Just so you know, the code box with custom formatting doesn't work anymore. Just use a normal code box (without the language or file name).
Posted 6 years ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

it prints infinitely the Welcome(); function .

the welcome function doesn't have anything too complicated it just prints the rules.


Posted 6 years ago · Author
i will just,

give the whole script.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h> // getch() and putch() actions

#define ONE 1
#define TWO 2
#define THREE 3
#define FOUR 4
#define FIVE 5
#define SIX 6

#define ZERO 0
#define TEN 10

#define EROUNDS 20
#define MROUNDS 15
#define HROUNDS 10

#define YES 'y'
#define NO 'n'

#define FOURTY_EIGHT 48
#define FIFTY_FOUR 56

#define END 2147483647
#define MEND -2147483647

void getsecretpassword(void);
void Welcome(void);
void levelChoice(void);
void inputEasy(void);
void inputMedium(void);
void inputHard(void);
void inputCrazy(void);
int vadilityOfguess(void);
int misses(void);
int hits(void);
void checkingIfRight(void);

/// this is a more succesful code ,

int fc = 0; ///

int rounds = 0; ///
int guesses = 0; ///

char digit1 = '0'; ///
char digit2 = '0';
char digit3 = '0';
char digit4 = '0';

char digitA = '0'; ///
char digitB = '0';
char digitC = '0';
char digitD = '0';

char answer = '0'; ///

int main(void) // credit card secret password guesser
   } while (YES == answer);
   return 0;
/**this function is deciding the password. it changes every time because it is a game not the real thing
input : none
output : none **/
void getsecretpassword(void)

   digit1 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

   digit2 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

   digit3 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

   digit4 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

   while ((digit1 == digit2)||(digit1 == digit3)||(digit1 == digit4)||(digit2 == digit3)||(digit3 == digit4)||(digit2 == digit4))
      digit1 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

      digit2 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

      digit3 = (rand()% 6) + 1;

      digit4 = (rand()% 6) + 1;
   digit1 += 48;
   digit2 += 48;
   digit3 += 48;
   digit4 += 48;

/** welcomes the user to the code breaker
input : none
output : none  **/
void Welcome(void)
   printf("! ! w e l c o m e      t o         m a g s h i m i m       c o d e - b r e a k e r ! ! \n\n\n");
   printf("there is a secret number for pancratius credit card \n");
   printf(" T H E     D E S C E N T A N D     O F     A N T I O C H U S \n");
   printf("your mission is to  ! !S T O P! ! him by revealing his secret password \n");
   printf("the R U L E S are quite simple \n\n");
   printf("in each round you just need to reveal his password which consists of 4 digits \n");
   printf("! ! After every guess you'll receive two hints about the password ! ! \n\n");
   printf("# # H I T S :   The number of digits in your guess which were C O M P L E T E L Y right . # # \n");
   printf("# # M I S S E S : The number of digits in your guess which D O belong to the password but were missplaced . # # \n\n\n");
   printf("! ! choose your level of difficulty ! ! \n\n");
   printf("1.) -easy- 20 rounds \n");
   printf("2.) =medium= 15 rounds \n");
   printf("3.) #hard# 10 rounds \n");
   printf("4.) *crazy* \n\n\n");

/**this function gets a choice and calls to the functions who do the rest of the game
input : choice ,  answer
output : none , when you lose or win it asks you if you wanna play again **/
void levelChoice(void)
   int choice = 0;
   enum Level
      easy = 1,
   scanf("%d", &choice);
   if ((choice < ONE)||(choice < ZERO)||(choice > SIX)) /* i know the default is supposed to do
   this job but as you see when i input a char its still crashes. */
      printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
      } while (YES == answer);
      if (NO != answer)
         printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
         scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      switch (choice)
         case easy :
            rounds = EROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
               printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case medium :
            rounds = MROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
               printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case hard :
            rounds = HROUNDS;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               fc = hits();
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # #");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         case crazy :
            int Crounds = (rand() % 21) + 5;
            rounds = Crounds;
            while (ZERO != rounds)
               printf("$ $  C R A Z Y  M O D E  $ $ \n\n");
               fc = hits();
            if (ZERO == rounds)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
         default :
            printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
            } while (YES == answer);
            if (NO != answer)
               printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
               scanf("%c", &answer);
               printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");

/** function1 (inputEasy, inputMedium, inputHard, inputCrazy)
input : a number that consists of 4 digits (the user has 4 chances)
a char when there are no rounds if the user wants to play again (y or n)
output :  none , and prints questions if the user wants to play again + a 'bye bye' **/
void inputEasy(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");
   digitA = getche();
   digitB = getche();
   digitC = getche();
   digitD = getche();
   fc = misses();

void inputMedium(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");
   digitA = getche();
   digitB = getche();
   digitC = getche();
   digitD = getche();

   fc = misses();

void inputHard(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");
   digitA = getche();
   digitB = getche();
   digitC = getche();
   digitD = getche();
   fc = misses();

void inputCrazy(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");
   digitA = getche();
   digitB = getche();
   digitC = getche();
   digitD = getche();
   if (ZERO < vadilityOfguess)
      fc = misses();

int vadilityOfguess(void)
   int ok = 0;
   if ((FOURTY_EIGHT < digitA)||(FOURTY_EIGHT < digitB)||(FOURTY_EIGHT < digitC)||(FOURTY_EIGHT < digitD))
   if ((FIFTY_FOUR >= digitA)||(FIFTY_FOUR >= digitB)||(FIFTY_FOUR >= digitC)||(FIFTY_FOUR >= digitD))
      ok = 0;
   return ok;

/**this function calculates the misses without the hits
so it would be easier to fix the misses and hits in a different function
input : none
output : none (if the digits in the guess are ok)
and if not it prints that the guess isnt legal and it returns to the start basically **/
int misses(void)
   int miss = 0;
   if ((digitB   == digit1)||(digitC == digit1)||(digitD == digit1))
   if ((digitA == digit2)||(digitC == digit2)||(digitD == digit2))
   if ((digitA == digit3)||(digitB == digit3)||(digitD == digit3))
   if ((digitA == digit4)||(digitB == digit4)||(digitC == digit4))
   return miss;

/** this function
input :
output :**/
int hits(void)
   int hit = 0;
   if (digitA == digit1)
   if (digitB == digit2)
   if (digitC == digit3)
   if (digitD == digit4)
   return hit;

/** this function
input : none
output : if the number we guessed is right or not and if not which digits were right **/
void checkingIfRight(void)
   int hit = hits();
   int miss = misses();
   if (FOUR == hit)
      printf(" damn it your guess was right :(( \n");
      printf("it took you %d rounds \n", guesses);
   else if (FOUR != hit)
      printf(" haha human your guess is wrong but , you have %d misses and %d hits \n", miss, hit);
   else if ((FOUR != hit)&&(ZERO != miss))
      printf(" pfffffffft you're COMPLETELY wrong . 0 misses and 0 hits \n");
Posted 6 years ago
You did not initialize cRounds. Here is a copy of how I got it working on my end:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h> // getch() and putch() actions

#define ONE 1
#define TWO 2
#define THREE 3
#define FOUR 4
#define FIVE 5
#define SIX 6

#define ZERO 0
#define TEN 10

#define EROUNDS 20
#define MROUNDS 15
#define HROUNDS 10

#define YES 'y'
#define NO 'n'

#define FOURTY_EIGHT 48
#define FIFTY_FOUR 56

#define END 2147483647
#define MEND -2147483647

void getsecretpassword(void);
void Welcome(void);
void levelChoice(void);
void inputEasy(void);
void inputMedium(void);
void inputHard(void);
void inputCrazy(void);
int vadilityOfguess(void);
int misses(void);
int hits(void);
void checkingIfRight(void);

/// this is a more succesful code ,

int fc = 0; ///

int rounds = 0; ///
int guesses = 0; ///

char digit1 = '0'; ///
char digit2 = '0';
char digit3 = '0';
char digit4 = '0';

char digitA = '0'; ///
char digitB = '0';
char digitC = '0';
char digitD = '0';

char answer = '0'; ///

int Crounds = 0;

int main(void) // credit card secret password guesser
   } while (YES == answer);


   return 0;
/**this function is deciding the password. it changes every time because it is a game not the real thing
input : none
output : none **/
void getsecretpassword(void)

   digit1 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

   digit2 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

   digit3 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

   digit4 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

   while ((digit1 == digit2) || (digit1 == digit3) || (digit1 == digit4) || (digit2 == digit3) || (digit3 == digit4) || (digit2 == digit4))
      digit1 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

      digit2 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

      digit3 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

      digit4 = (rand() % 6) + 1;

   digit1 += 48;
   digit2 += 48;
   digit3 += 48;
   digit4 += 48;

/** welcomes the user to the code breaker
input : none
output : none  **/
void Welcome(void)
   printf("! ! w e l c o m e      t o         m a g s h i m i m       c o d e - b r e a k e r ! ! \n\n\n");
   printf("there is a secret number for pancratius credit card \n");
   printf(" T H E     D E S C E N T A N D     O F     A N T I O C H U S \n");
   printf("your mission is to  ! !S T O P! ! him by revealing his secret password \n");
   printf("the R U L E S are quite simple \n\n");
   printf("in each round you just need to reveal his password which consists of 4 digits \n");
   printf("! ! After every guess you'll receive two hints about the password ! ! \n\n");
   printf("# # H I T S :   The number of digits in your guess which were C O M P L E T E L Y right . # # \n");
   printf("# # M I S S E S : The number of digits in your guess which D O belong to the password but were missplaced . # # \n\n\n");
   printf("! ! choose your level of difficulty ! ! \n\n");
   printf("1.) -easy- 20 rounds \n");
   printf("2.) =medium= 15 rounds \n");
   printf("3.) #hard# 10 rounds \n");
   printf("4.) *crazy* \n\n\n");

/**this function gets a choice and calls to the functions who do the rest of the game
input : choice ,  answer
output : none , when you lose or win it asks you if you wanna play again **/
void levelChoice(void)
   int choice = 0;

   enum Level
      easy = 1,

   scanf("%d", &choice);
   if ((choice < ONE) || (choice < ZERO) || (choice > SIX)) /* i know the default is supposed to do
                                              this job but as you see when i input a char its still crashes. */
      printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
      } while (YES == answer);
      if (NO != answer)
         printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
         scanf("%c", &answer);
         printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      switch (choice)
      case easy:
         rounds = EROUNDS;
         while (ZERO != rounds)
            fc = hits();

            printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);


         if (ZERO == rounds)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
         if (NO != answer)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      case medium:
         rounds = MROUNDS;
         while (ZERO != rounds)
            fc = hits();

            printf("! ! you have %d rounds left ! !\n", rounds);
         if (ZERO == rounds)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
         if (NO != answer)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      case hard:
         rounds = HROUNDS;
         while (ZERO != rounds)
            fc = hits();
         if (ZERO == rounds)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # #");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
         if (NO != answer)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");
      case crazy:

         Crounds = (rand() % 21) + 5;
         rounds = Crounds;
         while (ZERO != rounds)
            printf("$ $  C R A Z Y  M O D E  $ $ \n\n");
            fc = hits();

         if (ZERO == rounds)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
         if (NO != answer)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");


         printf("look .. i dont know whats wrong with you but i am not dumb so please look up the rules again and enter a LEGAL answer. thank you . \n");
         } while (YES == answer);
         if (NO != answer)
            printf("# # wanna play again?? y for yes and n for no. # # \n");
            scanf("%c", &answer);
            printf("@ @ oh well  B Y E B Y E  :(( @ @ \n");

/** function1 (inputEasy, inputMedium, inputHard, inputCrazy)
input : a number that consists of 4 digits (the user has 4 chances)
a char when there are no rounds if the user wants to play again (y or n)
output :  none , and prints questions if the user wants to play again + a 'bye bye' **/
void inputEasy(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");

   digitA = _getche();
   digitB = _getche();
   digitC = _getche();
   digitD = _getche();

   fc = misses();


void inputMedium(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");

   digitA = _getche();
   digitB = _getche();
   digitC = _getche();
   digitD = _getche();

   fc = misses();


void inputHard(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");

   digitA = _getche();
   digitB = _getche();
   digitC = _getche();
   digitD = _getche();

   fc = misses();


void inputCrazy(void)
   printf("! ! enter your guess ! ! \n\n");

   digitA = _getche();
   digitB = _getche();
   digitC = _getche();
   digitD = _getche();

   if (ZERO < vadilityOfguess)
      fc = misses();


int vadilityOfguess(void)
   int ok = 0;

   if ((FOURTY_EIGHT < digitA) || (FOURTY_EIGHT < digitB) || (FOURTY_EIGHT < digitC) || (FOURTY_EIGHT < digitD))
   if ((FIFTY_FOUR >= digitA) || (FIFTY_FOUR >= digitB) || (FIFTY_FOUR >= digitC) || (FIFTY_FOUR >= digitD))
      ok = 0;

   return ok;

/**this function calculates the misses without the hits
so it would be easier to fix the misses and hits in a different function
input : none
output : none (if the digits in the guess are ok)
and if not it prints that the guess isnt legal and it returns to the start basically **/
int misses(void)
   int miss = 0;

   if ((digitB == digit1) || (digitC == digit1) || (digitD == digit1))

   if ((digitA == digit2) || (digitC == digit2) || (digitD == digit2))

   if ((digitA == digit3) || (digitB == digit3) || (digitD == digit3))
   if ((digitA == digit4) || (digitB == digit4) || (digitC == digit4))

   return miss;

/** this function
input :
output :**/
int hits(void)
   int hit = 0;

   if (digitA == digit1)

   if (digitB == digit2)

   if (digitC == digit3)

   if (digitD == digit4)
   return hit;

/** this function
input : none
output : if the number we guessed is right or not and if not which digits were right **/
void checkingIfRight(void)
   int hit = hits();
   int miss = misses();

   if (FOUR == hit)
      printf(" damn it your guess was right :(( \n");
      printf("it took you %d rounds \n", guesses);
   else if (FOUR != hit)
      printf(" haha human your guess is wrong but , you have %d misses and %d hits \n", miss, hit);
   else if ((FOUR != hit) && (ZERO != miss))
      printf(" pfffffffft you're COMPLETELY wrong . 0 misses and 0 hits \n");
Posted 6 years ago · Author
thanks you all
and my dumb ass should've made the enum easy start from 49
and then get the choice by char


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