Upgrade my filming setup?

by dracomalfoy · 4 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Poll Poll ended at Tue May 29, 2018 9:45 pm

help me decide!

Continue to use my current camera 25%
Save for a better camera (no tripod) No votes
Buy a new laptop with a webcam 25%
Buy a good camera and a tripod No votes
Buy a really good camera and work more 50%
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I currently work a part time job while attending university, but I also work as a self employed cam girl. Currently, I use my laptop webcam and I make about $1500-$2000 a month from it. I've been trying to decide to upgrade how I film or not. Please help me out!
Posted 6 years ago
Well it says vote but I don't think what I thought u should do is up there. I would say buy a new camera but still use ur laptop camera. Be like those shows that film from different angles with multiple cameras. Lol idk maybe I sound dumb saying that. :kat_emoji1:
Posted 6 years ago
What kind of laptop do you have? Giving us that information would help us know what kind of camera you have and if it's a quality camera. You'd get a better answer from us if you could provide that info

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