What're your pet peeves?

by Anomaly · 21 posts
7 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 7 years ago
Wanna bes
One Uppers
Grammar nazis
Loud chewers
loud breathers
people who saw logs in their sleep
my dogs barking at that one damn leaf blowing in the yard.
Posted 7 years ago
    The following
  • Grammar Nazi's For sure! I know I have spelling issues sometimes I don't need someone telling me what I already know lmao..
  • Unloyaltists.. You join a group but because it's not up to your "High standard" you Bolt.. Well hell most of the groups wont mind if you help up them..
  • Baby Talkers...
  • Lazy People...
  • The Big Idealists but don't put any effort into it.. See Lazy People... lmao
  • Big Bark but no Bite.. You going to come at me.. Come at me! I'm a Realist.. If it can't be fixed don't try pushing me to fix something.. If I truly did something wrong and you're going to bite my head off.. Do it.. Walk the walk, Talk the Talk!
  • The I already know who you are, and what you're about types.. Come on.. Most people are always changing.. Give it a month and growth and Knowledge will change a person, experiences as well..
  • The hard workers when their Don see them, but not when their peers do.
  • The Always Rightious..
  • and my favorite.. The Racist pricks.. -_- Come on??
Posted 7 years ago
Loud sounds
people acting like asses
people who like rap and try to sing
people who are scared of insects
people who think they know it all
two faced people
people who never shut the hell up
people who are sick and does not cover thier mouths
people who think they are all hot and think they can get some ass
people who don't stop talking when they know I have a headache

-- 20 Dec 2017, 13:52 --

Back talkers
people who don't listen to the elders
lazy people who take everything for granted
people who can't spell
people who take your food when you pay for it
Posted 6 years ago
Know it alls
Art thieves
People farting on me
Pen Clicking
Loud Chewers
My anxiety
Posted 6 years ago
Harper wrote:
Wannabe gangsters, hip hop/rap music, people who ignore me in my own rooms, but most of all?Manipulators.People who try to manipulate me into doing what they want, including:-Guilt tripping.I fucking hate this.Do not even try this with me, my own mother doesn't get away with it, you won't either.-Playing victim.Bitch, please.I've been 'the bad guy' for a long time and not cared yet, you won't be any different either.-Blame shifting.Don't make me out to be some monster just because I called you out on your shit as politely as I could manage. Either accept that I ain't having it, or block and move on to another victim.There's other tactics these people use, but those are three that were used recently on me-- all by the same person.And when I wouldn't give in to their bullshit, they got more and more frustrated, and finally gave up and unfriended me.
I feel ya buddy I agree with you 100% had same shyt tried on me resently as well as in past I just sit back watch and laugh at um

-- Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:40 pm --

Pixl wrote:
Know it alls
Art thieves
People farting on me
Pen Clicking
Loud Chewers
My anxiety
HAHAHA too funny Pixl thanks for posting I agree :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago
I wonder if Pixi has a lot of people farting on them all the time

For me probably those that always has to come on top of you with everything. Oh you had a rough week? wait till you hear mine. Or you talk to them about anything and they'll always twist it to their story and how they have it bigger or worse than you, makes any sort of conversation difficult.

When people tell me to do something I was planning on doing already.
"Hey, why don't you stand up and offer your seat to your grandma?"
"Screw you! I was just about to get up, but now it will look like I'm only doing it because you told me to!"'

And also
People who interrupt while you're talking. Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part, it's fucking rude. Listen to what someone is saying to you, process it, then respond once they're finished with something relevant to what they said. It's a whole thing. You can argue me all day about how money is the root of all evil in this world, but I believe that miscommunication/poor communication is really the problem.

I could think of many more but most of them has been listed already, especially the loud chewing has been few times so I'll skip that haha.
Posted 6 years ago
people who see themselves as superior. those who eat too loud, those who chew bad gum. people like that. I can count more.
Posted 4 years ago
Drama queens
Self-righteous hypocrites
Always playing the victim
Incompetence being rewarded
Competence being punished
Purely emotional reasoning
Inefficiency/duplication of effort
Going off half-cocked
Speaking at length without really saying anything
Passive aggression
Saying that science is on one's side when it obviously isn't
Acting out of fear
Going along to get along
Posted 4 years ago
People who think being louder means they're winning/more intelligent/right.

Also, smacking lips when chewing. I hate that so, so much.

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