GIMP TUTORIAL: Equalize / Homogenize brightness

by Esbeth · 2 posts
6 years ago in GIMP
Posted 6 years ago · Author
1. Open a simple texture that you want to prepare for making it perfectly seamless.

2. To counter the uneven level of brightness you can simulate a highpass filter in GIMP.

- Duplicate the background layer (the image you want to homogenize).
- On this duplicate use Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur. The pixels you enter in this filter determine how big the parts (that need to be homogenzied) should be. In this texture the brigher parts are distributed over a bigger part of the image, therefore I take a larger value – around 20-40 px.
- Then do an Colors / Invert
- Colors / Desaturate
- Set the layers mode to “Overlay”

By doing this the too bright parts get a little darker and vice versa – thats how the images brightness is equalized.

Make the effect stronger by just duplicating the “overlay”-layer.

3. Done
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks for your tutorial.

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