how do i get an IMVU mesh into blender?

by MJK_is_my_GOD · 30 posts
6 years ago in Blender
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Tastek wrote:
Hello, I will be very happy to help you.
Blender supports FBX format.
This kind of files (FBX) are shared in imvu groups.
If you find one of these groups you will be able to login to Blender very easily.
Also I think Datamine sells designer programs.
The job will be easier if you buy these programs.
I wish you a good day...

thanks for your assistance. however, I'm not sure what you mean by "log in to blender?" is there a program that converts .xmf into .fbx? all I need is a converter that will make the file available to be imported to blender. did that make sense? I feel like I don't word things properly, so I apologize.

-- Tue May 08, 2018 1:13 am --

someone tried to help me through a PM, but she suddenly got hostile and thought my reply was "bitchy." I tried to fix things, but I think she's just ignoring me. so there IS a way, and people know there is a way, so please, can someone just tell me what program I need to use to convert IMVU meshes to .obj or any other format that can be imported into blender? I don't want someone else to say they'll do it for me because I don't want to give someone else the work that I could do myself, I don't want to inconvenience anyone. the person who PMed me refused to give me the name of the program, and assumed that me not wanting to put the stress of her converting them for me was bitchy. is there a reason why I can't have the information I'm seeking?
Posted 6 years ago

We're not hiding anything from you, I've told you before, you can't steal a mesh from IMVU and turn it into a 3d format to edit and re publish. If you want a 3d file you need to create the mesh yourself.

Even if you could do it we wouldn't tell you. We're not here to encourage half assed devs who don't want to put in the work to be a real developer (not specifically calling you one, just saying).
Posted 6 years ago · Author
but I already said, I'm not an IMVU developer anymore. this isn't for "republishing" purposes, I'm not selling anything, I'm trying to convert stuff for TS4. I'm certain I clearly stated that at some point. I've been using blender for quite a few months and have spent hours editing/making meshes, and we are completely allowed to do conversions. this has nothing to do with laziness, as I would have to reform any meshes to fit to the sim's body, add weights and morphs, remap the UVs, and chances are I wouldn't succeed the first few times, so I'd have to fix a lot of mistakes. that is not half-assing anything. I developed for IMVU when I was a teenager, and it was fun at the time, but I'm not interested in it anymore. my products back then weren't even that good. and it IS possible to convert these files, because if it wasn't, then there wouldn't be anyone who knows how to do it. my IMVU account is still up, so there's proof right there that I don't develop anymore; nothing new will show up in my catalogue... ever. I feel insulted that my honesty is being questioned when all I want is the name of a program that can convert these files. hell, I bought a program from you that rips assets from any product entirely, so what's the difference? and just to add, EA and Maxis Games have a strict policy about NOT making money off of custom content created by users. I can provide plenty of sources that confirm this. I don't know what else I can do, my intentions aren't secret.
Posted 6 years ago
Regardless of your intentions, I don't know of any ways to reliably convert a xmf mesh into a format Blender can load 100% of the time. I do know how to do but it only works 80% of the time.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
80% is pretty good odds, I'd say. could you please tell me how to do it?

-- Tue May 22, 2018 7:33 pm --

I'm honestly not seeing why this is such a problem...
Posted 6 years ago
Refrain from the negative Aura please. I have taken my time to google every one of your questions and was able to find answers for them. This shows me that you as well can find the answers with a simple little work. Please take the time and put your questions into google and find the answers instead of expecting others to do the research for you. People gave their answers as well as I see a couple links up there to guide you into finding your answers. There is a Plug in that you can put into Blender to do what you want as well as there are online file converters that you can use. a XMF file is a Document file. Things you asked I don't know anything about as I do not code but I managed to find the answers. So I know you are as well capable of doing so yourself. Yes we are here to help you when one gets stuck or can't figure something out. As well as People have tried to give you suggestions above to help you. It seems they are not giving you the answer that you are seeking so sometimes when all else fails instead of getting upset to simply take the bull by the horns sit down and you do the research yourself to find the answers. Besides I don't know about you but Me when someone can't give me a simple answer and I tend to go searching for it 1. I am amazed at what I do find when I look at what I am looking for, as it leads to other questions I may not have known to ask but have found the answers, 2. a sense of accomplishment that I found the answer on my own and next time I can help someone else with it. So you see it's not a matter of people shutting you out or not trying to help they gave the best they could give you with what they know and suggested where to maybe go to look for your answers. We are not all Gods and can snap our fingers to have the answers right then and there.
if we could boy where would we be now. <smiles>

Take a deep Breath, Concentrate.. pull up google copy or type your exact question and put it in and read through the many possibilities. And remember to smile.

ES :tlatakenote:
Posted 6 years ago · Author
@Esbeth wait, who said I was upset? I'm confused, if anything. also, I'm not giving a negative aura, you're just reading my text in a different tone than I mean. since you can't hear my voice, it's easy for someone to misunderstand someone's intent. anyway, I find your response insulting because, and forgive me if this sounds rude, I don't know how else to say it... do you really think I haven't tried to find these answers on my own? I mean, you found the answers? how? I spent HOURS trying to find the answers on both google and bing, and I found NOTHING. and those links people gave me? they're talking about what the file types are, not how to convert them. I've looked into free file converters online that convert meshes, .xmf is nowhere to be found. not even Format Factory can do it, and I've used it to convert file types I didn't even knew exist. I mean, why do you think I'm asking here? because I could not find anything to help me.

what I AM upset about is the user who freaked out at me, and then when I tried to set things right, they ignored me, but I guess some people are like that. that's besides the point.

logically, why would I ask a forum for answers if I couldn't find the answers myself? that's like... really lazy. if you found the answers I'm looking for, please, for the love of god, tell me what you searched for. but if you really DID find the answers, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared the links with me instead of assuming I did nothing. again, I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I feel really insulted by your reply. perhaps I just misunderstood yours too.
Posted 6 years ago

I'm not trying to nose into anything here but I would like to make a comment or two..first Google.. it is a God send and knows everything :), just have to ask and be persistent enough to want to find the answers.. with that said, MJK, I don't know who done what or didn't but it doesnt seem its so much as a problem as others tryin to help you help yourself.Another great medium to learn blender is YOUTUBE.. I know this because it has helped me thru the years to learn blender, 3D MAX and many other things that i have had question about and it even shows u instead of just u reading it.. its wonderful, maybe it could you as well. No one is tryin to dis you or make it a problem they are just trying to help you help yourself and to be able to say hey i had alittle help BUT mostly i done it myself.. type thing. Please dont take things wrong or be super sensitive, we all mean well and are tryin to help each other.. that is what we are here for. :)
I will give ya these hints tho, in any program you will be using to import/export from imvu u will have to have an exporter to do so, do your research ask google and youtube.. i promise, you will find the help you are seekin on both those sites. :)
Just my two cents.. but mainly wanted to praise youtube and Queen Google lmao.. have a wonderful day!
Posted 6 years ago · Author
SirDarkHart wrote:
Hi,I'm not trying to nose into anything here but I would like to make a comment or two..first Google.. it is a God send and knows everything , just have to ask and be persistent enough to want to find the answers.. with that said, MJK, I don't know who done what or didn't but it doesnt seem its so much as a problem as others tryin to help you help yourself.Another great medium to learn blender is YOUTUBE.. I know this because it has helped me thru the years to learn blender, 3D MAX and many other things that i have had question about and it even shows u instead of just u reading it.. its wonderful, maybe it could you as well. No one is tryin to dis you or make it a problem they are just trying to help you help yourself and to be able to say hey i had alittle help BUT mostly i done it myself.. type thing. Please dont take things wrong or be super sensitive, we all mean well and are tryin to help each other.. that is what we are here for. I will give ya these hints tho, in any program you will be using to import/export from imvu u will have to have an exporter to do so, do your research ask google and youtube.. i promise, you will find the help you are seekin on both those sites. Just my two cents.. but mainly wanted to praise youtube and Queen Google lmao.. have a wonderful day!

but I already said I did all of that in my last post, I think you should read it. I don't know what you mean by saying "super sensitive." I know how to use blender, what I don't know is how to convert these files into a format that blender can import. I've said that already. I don't need help helping myself because, like I said already, I did that before I came here. that's why I'm asking other people to lead me in the right direction. I'm sorry, but if it were me, and if I knew where to find something, I'd help someone asking for it. this literally isn't a big deal, and it shouldn't be this hard to simply give me the answers they know instead of basically dangling it over my head. sorry if I am indeed frustrated, but I still don't understand the problem. I repeat, I COULDN'T FIND IT MYSELF. I TRIED. HARD. I looked everywhere I could. but people are making it sound like they found the answers easily. well, if it's so easy, obviously I did something wrong during my search, which is why I'm asking for help. if you have the answers I've been looking for, even AFTER I came here for help, then please share them with me. it makes me think that I'm just being insulted and accused of something, and people don't actually know the answers, they're just saying they do. how could they find something so easily that I've tried so hard to find? I'm not new to the internet. like any human being, I have emotions, and it's easy to see why I am confused and frustrated by the responses I've received. I mean... I don't know if it's much, but I have over 3000 medits, do I need to pay someone to actually help me?

and just FYI, a long comment doesn't mean someone is upset, losing control, angry, sensitive, or anything like that. I do my best to get my point across, and I have a habit of explaining things. I don't know if it's because my main hobby is writing, or if it's my desire to help people understand. also, for reasons I won't go into, I don't exactly know how to speak to people, and I'm often accused of negative things after saying something that I can't honestly figure out how it sounded negative. so far, I've been accused of being a bitch, creating and negative aura, and, if I understand correctly, you just accused me of being "super sensitive." I literally cannot find anything in my comments to indicate I am these things. when I'm upset, I make it VERY obvious, and it would definitely get me kicked off of this forum. XD the way I speak is not something I can control, so I simply ask people to please read my text in a conversational way, because if you heard me saying these words, you'd know I wasn't "freaking out" or whatever. these replies I'm receiving honestly bewilder me because I don't know how they can't NOT see my intention. I'm not being hostile or unkind in any way, I wish to receive the same courtesy. hell, I'm not even being passive aggressive.
Posted 6 years ago
I'm sorry if u felt that i was saying anything other than Google is all knowing.. and youtube is awesome too. If you had looked really hard these are two platforms that would definitely help. I"m not saying that you haven't tried hard.. not at all, ALL I'm saying is if u tried you wouldn't have felt like you would have needed to ask here because there are tons of videos on there that is exactly about what you are asking about is all i'm saying. I will say this tho you have to export and import to and from blender just like imvu.. If you will look on your creators page on your client it will give you the info you need as well.. meaning about what exporter etc that you would need with what program. Personally I use 3D Max, but i know i read on there about blender and there is a ton of videos about it as well with blender i mean

here are some videos that may help you (and all i did was put in how to export and import imvu files with blender)


I'm sure these 5 will get you started on your way.. BTW, I never said u were upset or anything i dont believe that mentioned anything about your state or mind or if u were upset or anything, personally i'm glad you weren't upset, because there is nothing to be upset over not really. Believe it or not we are really just tryin to help you.
Have a wonderful evening

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