IMVU's Control Over It's Users

by insidious_ · 2 posts
6 years ago in Help & Support
Poll Poll ended at Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:27 am

Is IMVU right when it comes to banning users with "inappropriate" names?

Absolutely. No votes
Yes, to an extent. 100%
No, naming should be free of choice. No votes
Not at all. No votes
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I've been disabled quite a few times by IMVU due to having "abusive or inappropriate" names. However, I'm AP, so shouldn't I be allowed to have whatever name I please? I only hang in AP Rooms, so my name shouldn't be a bother to those who are young of age. What do you guys think?
Posted 6 years ago
While I agree you should be able to have whatever name you damn well please (as long as it's not something blatantly offensive like "IHateNiggers" or something like that) having AP doesn't have any baring on this.

Your IMVU name is something that is seen on the entire site by everyone whether they have AP, VIP or nothing at all. So unless you want IMVU to dictate where you can go and who can see you, then your name has to be GA.

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