Update for account sellers - Must Read!

by DataMine · 16 posts
6 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Since we started allowing the sale of IMVU accounts on our market years ago, we have had little security in place to prevent abuse. We wrote up some rules and posted tips and tricks for buyers and sellers to help them stay safe but we largely trusted the sellers to be honorable and the community to quickly report those who weren't.

Unfortunately this has proven to not be enough. Scamming accounts has become widespread and although we've taken steps to keep toxic people off the market, it's become all to clear that we need to take a more direct approach.

To that end anyone wishing to sell an account on our market will be required to pay a one time fee. We hope this will help combat scammers by making it less profitable and more time consuming as well as give us the information we need to better detect possible scammers in the future.

We understand this will affect those of you that legit want to sell your account for one reason or another. We want you to flourish on our market so we will try our best to impact you as little as possible while making everyone safer.

About the fee:

1) The fee is $10.

2) Only PayPal or Credit/Debit card are accepted. We will not accept credits, medits, gift cards, or bitcoin.

3) The fee is only required if you are trying to post an advertisement in the accounts category.

4) You are only required to pay one time. If you have more than one account to sell you will only be charged once.

Note: We reserve the right to change any and all aspects of the fee at any time if necessary.

With this fee comes new rules to the market:

1) Anyone caught posting an account ad in the wrong category to bypass this fee will have their advertisement deleted and their account banned immediately without warning.

2) KiK, SnapChat WhatsApp, Discord and other social platforms are no longer allowed to be used when selling accounts or credits. Anyone caught using them will be branded a scammer and banned immediately without warning.

Ignorance to these rules will no longer be tolerated. If you don't take the time to read our news posts or click the links to our rules that we make painfully easy to see then we have no sympathy for you. This goes for buyers as well.

Paying the fee

If you have an account you would like to sell and have not yet paid the fee, click the button below to send me a private message asking for a bill.

Send Me a PM
Posted 6 years ago
@ Datamine does this mean that all the people that have accounts listed for sale now have already paid the fee? I see about 10 listed at this link. buysell/black_market_index.php?mode=cat&id=18
maybe I am confused about how the new account selling works. are there going to be 2 separate places to sell accounts now? Please let me know if there are any details cuz there are a few accounts I would like to sell but never trusted selling them incase of chargebacks to me after I give-up my info. I have been burned from people selling me accounts so I know how that feels. Please let me know if this process will keep anyone from posting without paying. I think there should maybe be a small fee for people to sell credits and meshes on here also. Maybe this can show the sellers are serious and not scammers. Maybe a 5 to 10 dollar fee to sell credits and meshes. or maybe like 25 dollar fee to sell all things. I know BM is only sold by you and Don but the other stufff that you allow us to do. I am not sure what is best.. I know it's hard for me as a seller to trust new members on here but I also know some new members are just here to get helped like we all did when we signed up.. A lot of sellers credit sellers on here have been paranoid lately and stopped selling I noticed due to imvu cracking down so hard. I seem to be the only one that has listed in awhile for selling credits. I have a good rep and karma though. I just thought I would through all this out there for you to see what you thought of it. Let me know. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do for us.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
smykey wrote:
@ Datamine does this mean that all the people that have accounts listed for sale now have already paid the fee? I see about 10 listed at this link. buysell/black_market_index.php?mode=cat&id=18

This fee only effects new ads. Ads posted before the fee was implemented have not paid it.

smykey wrote:
are there going to be 2 separate places to sell accounts now?

There will only only be one place to sell accounts on our site. If you want to sell an account on our market you will have to pay a one time fee going forward otherwise you will no be allowed to unless we feel you are trustworthy enough.
Posted 6 years ago
It's about time! You finally implemented something I suggested. It's good that Don saw potential in this idea. I've seen many other forum sites implement these type of features to keep the negativity and trust for both parties. Before it use to be vouchers but now there's something to lose. We just have to see how things go.
Posted 6 years ago
Great job. I think the fee seems very reasonable since it's a one time thing. I hope the no warning ban isn't too harsh. Mistakes happen, but people really do need to read the rules.

What about making a quick 1 or 2 minute video with rules for posting ads? Make it mandatory to watch before posting any item for sale. It can auto play one time, no skip option.

I think it may be more helpful to hear the rules for some of the non native English speaking sellers. Just a thought...
Posted 6 years ago · Author
solikaldorei wrote:
I think it may be more helpful to hear the rules for some of the non native English speaking sellers. Just a thought...

We are an English speaking site and advertise as such in our registration. If you do not speak English well and still join our site then that is on you. It doesn't give you the right to ignore our rules.
Posted 6 years ago
DataMine wrote:
solikaldorei wrote:I think it may be more helpful to hear the rules for some of the non native English speaking sellers. Just a thought...We are an English speaking site and advertise as such in our registration. If you do not speak English well and still join our site then that is on you. It doesn't give you the right to ignore our rules.

Reading and not comprehending is not the same as blatantly ignoring your rules.. consider this good customer service from the ever so awesome and friendly IMVUMafias :kat_emoji3:
Posted 6 years ago · Author
If you can't comprehend our market rules and then proceed to use the market, you might as well as be blatantly ignoring them. It amounts to the same thing.

If someone doesn't understand something, they should ask first.
Posted 6 years ago
comment removed due to inapropriate language.
dont insult people
Last edited by Adryan on Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: for inapropriate language wowards another member

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