Peer review

by Formulax · 19 posts
6 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 6 years ago
They changed a lot in the past and this restriction is very bad for new devs who are trying to invade the marketplace, if a regular person can't check the review how the products are allowed to pass. This should be fixed asap, but knowing imvu that won't happen in a brief time.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
It's getting rather silly now, i've submitted 32 products over the course of this month, some are even selling pretty nice, but i'm still tier0 and it still takes forever per product... :kat_emoji6:
Posted 6 years ago
Normally My items clear pretty instantaniously but for some reason today My items have been in Peer Review now 9 hours and have not cleared so clearly there is something going on with it all right now
Posted 6 years ago
I posted a lot of items yesterday and some cleared within a couple of minutes, three took hours. Not sure how many hours because I went to bed.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
solikaldorei wrote:
I posted a lot of items yesterday and some cleared within a couple of minutes, three took hours. Not sure how many hours because I went to bed.

Longest i've had was 22! to ever get to higher tiers like this, lol
Posted 6 years ago
I do believe it's a combination of your tier level and the age of your account that determines whether your stuff goes thru quickly or gets held up because it's going through CS review as well. I'm a Tier 0 (and proud of it - lol) but my account is fairly old. Once I got 25 products in the catty, like
said above, when I submit early Monday mornings, my stuff goes though in minutes. My last submission was on a Saturday afternoon, last weekend, and it didn't come out until Monday afternoon.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Soulljah wrote:
I do believe it's a combination of your tier level and the age of your account that determines whether your stuff goes thru quickly or gets held up because it's going through CS review as well. I'm a Tier 0 (and proud of it - lol) but my account is fairly old. Once I got 25 products in the catty, like @Devious said above, when I submit early Monday mornings, my stuff goes though in minutes. My last submission was on a Saturday afternoon, last weekend, and it didn't come out until Monday afternoon.

So usually it's safe to try a bm product if you've submitted 50+ products, even at tier0? Or will tier0 always have CS review?
Posted 6 years ago
I won't say if/when it's safe to submit bm. That's probably always risky regardless of the age of the account, the number of products or your tier level. But I am a tier 0 and my recent stuff has been coming out too fast to be going thru CS review.
Posted 6 years ago
Imvu always have problems with the peer review.

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