How to texture a sphere in SketchUp

by DataMine · 9 posts
8 years ago in Sketchup
Posted 8 years ago · Author
This is a tutorial for the technique I use to texture Spheres.

Sere my other topic for creating a sphere quickly and easily: viewtopic.php?f=77&t=11095

This is how it will look when you're done

Step1) Turn on hidden geometry.

Step2) Create a surface to apply your texture to.


2A) Draw 4 lines of equal length coming from the left, right, top and bottom of the sphere.

2B) Using the Rectangle tool connect the top and right line then connect the left and bottom line to create 1 small squares.

2C) Erase everything but these 2 squares.

2D) Using the Rectangle tool connect the bottom left of the bottom square to the top right of the top square.

2E) Erase the 4 lines inside your new square.

You now have a surface the same size as 1 half of the sphere.

Step3) Select the texture you want to apply to the sphere.


3A) Click the materials button.

3B) Set the material back to default to erase any previously selected materials.

3C) Click the browse button.

3D) Select your texture from the open file dialog.

3E) Click the OK button to close the Material dialog.

Step4) Select your material from the materials window and paint it on the surface you created in step 2


4A) Paint the material onto the surface from step 2.

4B) Right click the material and select texture then position.

4C) Align the material to the surface using the 4 pins. Starting with red, then green, then blue and finally yellow. Red moves the material, green scales the material on the x axis, blue scales the material on the y axis and yellow distorts the material.

Step5) Right click on the material and set it to projected. This will allow us to "project" the material onto the sphere.


5A) Select the paint bucket tool. While holding down the ALT key click on the material you painted in step 4. This will copy the material and its positioning.

5B) Then click on one side of the sphere to paint the material on it.

5C) Then click on the other side of the sphere to paint the material on it.

That's it, you're all done
Posted 7 years ago
i used to use similiar tecnigue, only problem for me was, when i did half sphere as a scene for making rooms, the painting inside of it, somereason it always got fked up, not smooth nice surface, get back into it somepoint
Posted 6 years ago
good tutorial
Posted 6 years ago
Great tutorial mate but can the stretch look on the edge be stopped
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I don't know any methods for removing it completely. You can try using a mapping plugin like SketchUV
Posted 6 years ago
Oh~ I did mine wrong, I was following the third picture and i did everything good but it was wrong when it came back, I really want to learn this sketch but it so hard and difficult
Posted 6 years ago
Im new to creating is there any advice on how to do it or is there any classes on here that i can take to make a textured sphere? Because i really want to make it for the longest of times. But is there any ways i can make a imvu product that i can make for using it as a role playing thing or is there something that i need for that? And one more thing. Is there a tool that i can make for imvu like for example. a pants with chains on it and some logos on it that will make it unique for someone to wear. Or something like a shirt that has a logo on it that will be perfect for anybody to wear for role playing and for outfit contests.

Please help
Posted 6 years ago · Author
The tutorial I wrote in this topic is for texturing a sphere. Let me know what parts you're having trouble with and I'll try to help you.

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