how do i get an IMVU mesh into blender?

by MJK_is_my_GOD · 30 posts
6 years ago in Blender
Posted 6 years ago · Author
SirDarkHart wrote:
I'm sorry if u felt that i was saying anything other than Google is all knowing.. and youtube is awesome too. If you had looked really hard these are two platforms that would definitely help. I"m not saying that you haven't tried hard.. not at all, ALL I'm saying is if u tried you wouldn't have felt like you would have needed to ask here because there are tons of videos on there that is exactly about what you are asking about is all i'm saying. I will say this tho you have to export and import to and from blender just like imvu.. If you will look on your creators page on your client it will give you the info you need as well.. meaning about what exporter etc that you would need with what program. Personally I use 3D Max, but i know i read on there about blender and there is a ton of videos about it as well with blender i meanhere are some videos that may help you (and all i did was put in how to export and import imvu files with blender)1)
5)'m sure these 5 will get you started on your way.. BTW, I never said u were upset or anything i dont believe that mentioned anything about your state or mind or if u were upset or anything, personally i'm glad you weren't upset, because there is nothing to be upset over not really. Believe it or not we are really just tryin to help you.
Have a wonderful evening

THANK. YOU. when I tried looking on youtube, I got a bunch of programs that ended up not working for me. but what creators page do you mean? also, you didn't say I was upset, but someone above said, "refrain from the negative aura," and claimed I was upset or something. rude. anyway, three of those youtube videos look like they will help. I'm glad SOMEONE finally gave me information to help solve this. everyone else kept saying along the lines of, "I know of a way, but I'm not going to tell you." I've never been so frustrated when asking for help on a forum. and I'm still not over that chick who blew up and called me a bitch in a PM just because I told her I didn't want to put any burden on her. um, that's a NICE thing, not something to get angry about. she never even apologized when I replied to her to clear up the misunderstanding.
Posted 6 years ago
thessa wrote:
Thank You so much.....

You're welcome :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Alright, just as an update, it LOOKED like those videos would help me, but they did not. Once again, I searched google and youtube using MANY different wordings of the question, and I have still. found. nothing. all I get is how to EXPORT from blender to IMVU, nothing about importing. Note that my last post on this forum was in april, and I've been telling myself not to come back here due to the fact that my word choice is being misinterpreted so severely, but even as I have a question about it on stack exchange, I'm getting nowhere. you guys told me there was an easy way, you told me you actually found a 3D converter that would work, and you told me you knew of a method that only worked 80% of the time. so now that I have exhausted the resources and have been working on this for four months with absolutely 0 results, I am asking, please, just tell me the solution. forums are designed to help each other, and honestly, most forums will give the answers they know instead of saying, "I know the answer, so you go find it," especially after trying to find it has failed. I'm just confused, wondering how some of you could say, "there's an easy way," or, "I found a 3D converter that will do it," and yet, none can be found? that's why I asked this question in the first place. so if you know of a way, please give me a link to the solution, and not try to point me in the "right" direction.

and just to clarify, this comment is not intended to be abrasive, hostile, or any kind of "freaking out." it's meant to be read in a calm tone, exactly how I would say it out loud. I'm sorry, but the way I speak/type is a bit unorthodox due to speech and social development issues, and I truly apologize for it. unfortunately, it's gotten me into a lot of trouble. so I hope you can understand when I say my comments are meant to be read in a calm, civil manner. again, I apologize.
Posted 6 years ago
MJK_is_my_GOD wrote:
Alright, just as an update, it LOOKED like those videos would help me, but they did not. Once again, I searched google and youtube using MANY different wordings of the question, and I have still. found. nothing. all I get is how to EXPORT from blender to IMVU, nothing about importing. Note that my last post on this forum was in april, and I've been telling myself not to come back here due to the fact that my word choice is being misinterpreted so severely, but even as I have a question about it on stack exchange, I'm getting nowhere. you guys told me there was an easy way, you told me you actually found a 3D converter that would work, and you told me you knew of a method that only worked 80% of the time. so now that I have exhausted the resources and have been working on this for four months with absolutely 0 results, I am asking, please, just tell me the solution. forums are designed to help each other, and honestly, most forums will give the answers they know instead of saying, "I know the answer, so you go find it," especially after trying to find it has failed. I'm just confused, wondering how some of you could say, "there's an easy way," or, "I found a 3D converter that will do it," and yet, none can be found? that's why I asked this question in the first place. so if you know of a way, please give me a link to the solution, and not try to point me in the "right" direction.and just to clarify, this comment is not intended to be abrasive, hostile, or any kind of "freaking out." it's meant to be read in a calm tone, exactly how I would say it out loud. I'm sorry, but the way I speak/type is a bit unorthodox due to speech and social development issues, and I truly apologize for it. unfortunately, it's gotten me into a lot of trouble. so I hope you can understand when I say my comments are meant to be read in a calm, civil manner. again, I apologize.

You cannot convert imvu's xmf files into files that blender can read. what you can do is, buy DM's mesh converter and convert your assets into readable xml files and you go figure out the rest. That is all you can do.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
cysia wrote:
MJK_is_my_GOD wrote:Alright, just as an update, it LOOKED like those videos would help me, but they did not. Once again, I searched google and youtube using MANY different wordings of the question, and I have still. found. nothing. all I get is how to EXPORT from blender to IMVU, nothing about importing. Note that my last post on this forum was in april, and I've been telling myself not to come back here due to the fact that my word choice is being misinterpreted so severely, but even as I have a question about it on stack exchange, I'm getting nowhere. you guys told me there was an easy way, you told me you actually found a 3D converter that would work, and you told me you knew of a method that only worked 80% of the time. so now that I have exhausted the resources and have been working on this for four months with absolutely 0 results, I am asking, please, just tell me the solution. forums are designed to help each other, and honestly, most forums will give the answers they know instead of saying, "I know the answer, so you go find it," especially after trying to find it has failed. I'm just confused, wondering how some of you could say, "there's an easy way," or, "I found a 3D converter that will do it," and yet, none can be found? that's why I asked this question in the first place. so if you know of a way, please give me a link to the solution, and not try to point me in the "right" direction.and just to clarify, this comment is not intended to be abrasive, hostile, or any kind of "freaking out." it's meant to be read in a calm tone, exactly how I would say it out loud. I'm sorry, but the way I speak/type is a bit unorthodox due to speech and social development issues, and I truly apologize for it. unfortunately, it's gotten me into a lot of trouble. so I hope you can understand when I say my comments are meant to be read in a calm, civil manner. again, I apologize.You cannot convert imvu's xmf files into files that blender can read. what you can do is, buy DM's mesh converter and convert your assets into readable xml files and you go figure out the rest. That is all you can do.

But that's what I'm trying to figure out, is how to convert XML files. o_O
Posted 6 years ago
buy DM's mesh converter
Posted 3 years ago
I know this post been so long but to bring like ROOM mesh is to use ripper like ninja. Its also works on clothing but if you want to bring like a whole avatar outfits including skin,head,hair etc you have to put them together like combine them because every product your avatar wear are from different creator which different meshes.

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