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Your girlfriend
1. Shouldn't have private info on her Msn of all things...
2. Store private info on other things that someone can't easily h4c|< into
3. this guy is probably an ex and is seeking revenge
4. Maybe it's her and trying to create drama cause she is bored.
5. Maybe she is really h4c|<7d but there's not much anyone on here can do even if there are hackers on mafia
6. Your gf shouldn't put personal info on her account if it's in use like so. I have a personal skype and a goof off skype, same for google.
7. 9/10 Everyone says they are a h4c|<7r but only say the shit to fuck with someone.. I don't use msn never have so i wouldn't know how it works... but don't put so much personal info on ur shit if it's that's huge a deal.
8. this is not msn it's imvu mafia. you should consult msn and not imvu mafia. Since hte problem is coming from "msn" and not "imvu"