Imvu User Problem

by Boost · 8 posts
5 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 5 years ago · Author
1) your problem:

There is a IMVU user creating fake DMCA forms to remove my friend and possibly my shop as well. It could escalate to us being disabled. he's already taken one of her accounts and got it permanently banned when her products are legit and mine are as well.

2) how this problem effects you:
It effects us actually being able to create freely on IMVU without having problems and the fact that the guy is doing it out of spite is ridiculous. Just because I'm close with her, hes going after anyone who's affiliated with her and ones that have a actual shop.

3) Where in IMVU this problem is coming from:

Its coming from my friend's ex, just because she left him for how he was treating her (very negatively) and he gets a kick out of seeing her suffer and lose the stuff she's worked hard for. We do have proof that he is the doing it but shes afraid to report him cause he always ends up finding her. He's also not afraid to keep making accounts, as he threatened to disable the one he is using now and that he can just make another easily. She just wants to get away from him but apparently he won't let up. Even when multiple users have asked him to stop.
Posted 5 years ago
Hi. I have waited a lot to complete the room modification that I bought from Imvu Mafia.
Since I bought the room from your site I have not benefited from it.
So I want a final answer from you. Are you going to modify the room?
Or I want to refund the gift card
Posted 5 years ago
So the answer is simple, just tell your friend to stop being afraid of him and report him, just contact Imvu.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
@zhr12 Huh? And @TheKing123 its not as simple as you think when it comes to DMCA. IMVU doesnt care, they'll just go with the DMCA process and do it anyway. And its hard not being scared when you've been disabled already and now someones trying to take down your whole shop and also possibly disable you again.
Posted 5 years ago
This is a guide to help guide the user community in dealing with harassment issues. As a rule, if you think you are being harassed, report the incident using the appropriate reporting mechanisms (see How do I report Harassment? below). A lot of this information is based on IMVU's Safety page. Additional information can be found there.

The Web Safety page will contain the most up-to-date information available, so refer to it often.

What is harassment

Harassment is defined as being repeatedly irritated or tormented by another user. This can take the form of threats, intimidation, blackmail, or personal attacks. Harassment can take place in Homepage Messages, in client, through pulse, groups, Discussions, private messages, and even off-client. In more extreme situations, this can lead to "doxxing" or the accessing and use of your real-life information.

What do harassers do?

Harassers tend to do anything they can think of to mess with you. They can do this in chat, in groups, in product reviews, through homepage or Discussion messages, pulses... on or off IMVU.

Harassers generally threaten, attempt to intimidate, curse, and any combination of the above.

A good rule of thumb is that if it is not allowed at your school or place of business, it's a good chance that it is not allowed on IMVU.

What is not harassment

Homepage visits.
When you are mentioned by any sort of grouping, for example "Bacon Lovers", or "People who like computers", or "badboy's roleplaying group".
Unfairness in role-play, or during role-play activities.
Revenge for a real or imagined slight.

How do I report harassment?

The most important thing to consider when reporting harassment is that to prove your harassment claim, you have to provide IMVU with information that we know cannot be altered. This means using our tools.

Keep in mind... you are trying to influence IMVU staff to see things your way. When you're presented with an opportunity to type in something, be professional. Don't be demanding. Do put as much detail as possible to help IMVU see where the problem is, such as links, or describing the text that is offending you.

In-Client Chats: Click the little flag by the name of the avatar in the text chat box, where they said something (this can also be done after that person left the room).
Homepage Messages: Message box is the easiest way, click on "Report Abuse".
Pulse: Hover over the offending pulse, and click on "Safety" when it appears, Then click on the "Report" button.
Groups: Click on the "Report Abuse" on the header page, then click on "Yes" to report the group. Complete the entry form with as much detail as you can about the offense.
Product Reviews: Create a help ticket include a link to the product, and which review you are disputing.
Private Messages: Create a help ticket, documenting what was said, leave the PM in your inbox.
When harassment happens in the Discussions, any Community moderator can be contacted to address the situation.

Screenshots, cut and pasted log files, and anything not coming from IMVU or the Discussions, cannot be acceptable to IMVU as proof. Neither are things said by your friends.

Now what?

IMVU takes harassment seriously, and we do review every flag, and every report. Understand that we have thousands of reports to go through, some real, and some from griefers. Obviously, Pulse and homepage messages are small, and easily reviewed, while hours-long chat logs will take a bit more time to go through. Expect that it will take some time to address your reports.

Report every incidence. You have to take charge. You're building a case, bit by bit. The report of every incident is important. If you file incomplete reports, IMVU will have difficulty acting on your case.

When IMVU has completed addressing the reports, do not expect much more than "this issue has been addressed". Whether you are the harasser or the person being harassed, details on the action taken cannot be released. What's important is that the issue will be resolved, and the harasser is stopping what they were doing.

What the person is looking for is to intimidate or control you in some way. The important thing is to deprive them of the satisfaction that they get from seeing you frustrated, upset, ranting, and losing control.

It's time for you to take control. You may have to change your habits.

Chat privately with friends, or in public rooms that you or your friends control, so that you can boot / ban the harasser from those rooms.
Consider settings on your homepage... perhaps set panels or the whole page as buddies only, or not viewable at all. Think.... A harasser probably wants to see your special someone, your messages, your buddies, your recently visited panel, your blog, your picture gallery... anything they can use to harass you even more.
Block, Report, and block. Block offending users. Report their activities using IMVU's tools, and block their alternate accounts if they use them.
Keeping a low profile deprives your harasser of what they want most... your reactions. This also means not responding in kind. If you threaten them, if you curse at them, you not only make your case that much more difficult to prove, but you also give them a way to report you. From IMVU's standpoint, being on the receiving end of a harassment doesn't give you an excuse to break the rules either. Take the high road, ignore... and report.
Your friends can be a great source of moral support when you are going through a harassment episode... but they can also be another venue for your harasser. Friends talk to friends... and the grapevine is huge in IMVU. If you let your friends know that you're upset... you can almost bet that it is going to get back around to your harasser somehow... and that again gives them what they want.

What does IMVU do?

When IMVU reviews a report, we have a lot of options at our disposal:
We can warn the user, cautioning them that further violations of the TOS can result in temporary or permanent disablement.
We can temporarily disable the user.
We can permanently disable the user.
No matter what we do, you'll only hear that the situation or issue was addressed.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Im guessing if IMVU's tools werent used and the chat wasnt reported, basically out of luck.
Posted 5 years ago
Boost wrote:
Im guessing if IMVU's tools werent used and the chat wasnt reported, basically out of luck.

Pretty much, unless the abuser confess to the crime on their homepage, to the imvu forums, or within the imvu groups system. Content created by the abuser must exist for you to flag / report.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Understood, I tried getting her to flag while I was gone but I guess she was too riled up and kinda gave up on even trying to stop him. Thank you everyone though. I appreciate the responses and solutions.

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