Hi. Here are some videos that I found useful. Enjoy. I guess I should clarify... c# videos for winforms apps.
Bob Tabor instructs and teaches absolute basics. I suggest start with this one.
Foxlearn video for creating a phone book. This is my favorite. I used this as a guide for creating a maintenance management software. It still needs work but good starter vid and teaches how to save data to dataset in case u don't have SQL. Datasets are very basic but useful... and free, which is nice. SQL databases need to be hosted so they cost money.
Note taking app was useful. This teaches you a different way to save dataset info.
Access multiple forms. Good for using to link from the login page. Apparently you can just do a view instead of a new form. I don't remember how to do that and I'm too lazy to look at my notes.
How to create a simple login... someone complained about the way the password and user name are saved. Apparently it's not very secure. Oh well. This is a beginner tutorial anyways. U guys can figure out how to make it more complex and secure later. I still think this is a good beginner vid.
This is not a video but still a great tutorial. Simple to follow. Fun little rpg game creation.