Short stories to read when bored

by Anon786 · 3 posts
5 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Two men were standing on an open plain. If they were not wearing different colored outfits, there wouldn't be any difference in how they look. One of them was wearing a grey suit and pant. His clothes were all covered in dust, and torn at some parts. Drops of blood were dripping down from there, but he doesn't seem to pay any attention towards it. As he is holding a gun on his shaking hand towards the man in front of him, acting like a shield for the girl who was hiding behind him. The other man was wearing a suit as well, but brutal black in color. His eyes are calm and dry. His looks are saying that he is not about to leave without the girl. He is holding a gun towards the other man as well, but his hands are steady.

"Leave right now. She is not the lonely person anymore who needed someone. She has gotten over her misery, she has nothing to gain from a person like you who doesn't know anything but his own selfish desires." The man takes a step ahead although he is not steady. "Leave her alone now! She is free!" He screams out with the remaining energy he had.

No change is seen in the face of the man in black suit. He is still standing there as he was before, having his gun in his steady hand. The man in grey suit takes a few more steps so he can block the other man's view totally from seeing the girl.

Suddenly a gunshot is heard. The man in the grey suit jumps on the other man and holds him down on the ground. Although he is shot, although he is bleeding, he holds on to the man with all his strength not giving him the chance to go after the girl. "Run away! Just keep on running! Don't look back, don't look back; fly away like the free bird you are... Ashley. Run away" He keeps on shouting at the full of his lungs till he can hear the sound of some steps running away from the place.

The man's vision starts to come blurry as his body starts to give up on him. "Not now, please let me stay a little longer, till she flies away. " He closes his eyes as he uses even the last bit of his strength to pin him down. "Fly away like the free bird you are. Fly away Ashley... Ashley bird"

-- Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:35 pm --

Hope you enjoy :D

Time : Around 2amPlace : An old, abandoned factory

The scattered remainders of the old factory could hardly be seen, though tow light-bulbs were on, one light-bulb was flickering and was blinking on and off every now and then. The environment of the factory and the light flickering automatically gave that place a spooky outlook. This feeling only increases when three people, with bruises allover and tied in chairs comes to sight. Their swollen faces, blood dripping off their mouths and cuts everywhere shows they are the victims of a really brutal assault and are still kept alive only for more. Nothing but the sound of their breathing was present in the creepy basement, then suddenly... 'GRRRR....' ; a harsh mechanic sound broke all the silence. The three victims could easily tell it was the noise of a chain-saw, their faces turned pale thinking about the consequences that might take place in just some minutes, but they were so tightly tied and badly beaten they had nothing to do but to accept the fate. After a few moment the noise stopped and footstep sounds along with a dragging noise of something metal struck their ears. A company in a moment like this should put a smile on their faces but the presence of those footsteps was only making their hearts pounding even faster. Soon, before they could tell anything a tall young man came into their sight, with holding a chain saw on his right hand which's other end was touching the ground. The backpack he was carrying could hardly be seen in the dark. His eyes were covered with his long hair, he was sweating and there was a charming smile painted on his face, he didn't look dangerous even with the chainsaw on his hand, yet his appearance was making those pale face go yellow out of fear.

"Greetings gentlemen! I'm so sorry I kept you all waiting for so long for the show!" he said those lines with a smirk on his face as if he was enjoying what he was seeing. The three guys were tied up, started sweating as he took some steps forward and stood right under the light-bulb. They were trembling in fear as he was coming closer. At last, one of them cried out,

'Please, for the love of Almighty, let us go... what harm have we ever caused you?'

Hearing this, the smile on the young man's face disappeared. Silently he put down his backpack on the ground, as soon as that, he turned the chainsaw on and shoved it in between the legs of that man who asked the question...

All three of the man cried out in fear like little girls, although the chainsaw didn't hurt the man. It barely missed his groin and the inner thighs of the man but it cut out a portion of the chair. The chainsaw, it was still running with those fearsome noises and the young man was holding it still...

"HUshhhhhhh... only and only I talk today. Nobody else talks without my wish"

He whispered that with a calm soft voice. Then a huge smile covered up his face again as he turned the chainsaw off intentionally.

"Damn... these electronics gadgets of these days... I apologize, I cordially apologize for the interruption in the show"

Then he pulled out the chainsaw and held it really close to the face of the person who was sitting in the middle. The man felt like his soul left his body when the young man was shaking the chainsaw violently right on his face. Then all on a sudden, the 'GRRRRR...' noise appeared again and the chainsaw crossed his face...

The chainsaw barely touched his cheek and the edge of his ear but the chainsaw was running right in front of his ear and was digging a hole through the wooden structure right behind them. The other two was looking away in fear as the current victim was screaming out in fear keeping his eyes closed. After sometime the young man turned the chainsaw off and took his face really close to the victim's,

"Boo!" he whispered as soon as the man opened his eyes. This took him by so a shock that he jumped behind screaming out in a wild fear. He hit the back of his head against the wooden structure that was right behind him and was in a huge pain, but he couldn't do nothing except trying to shake his head right to left in agony.

"Seems like my guests are enjoying my show! Awwww! How happy I am!" The young man yelled out in excitement. Then he stared at the last victim who was breathing with his mouth seemingly because of asthma,

"Oh my God! What happened to you? Do you want water?" the young man cried out sitting in front of him and holding his arms. The victim shaked his head right to left. The young man seemed tensed for a moment."Umm... there is no water here, AH! I have an idea!"

He threw the chainsaw away and pulled out a knife. Before the victim could understand could say anything he slit palm of the victim with the knife and held it against his own lips...

"Yes, that should do, now DRINK IT!!"

The victim was shaking his head from left to right trying to scream, but he couldn't as the young man was pressing the hand against his lips tighter. Soon blood started to drip down from his mouth and he was crying out in fear.

"Ah! Now that's much better."

He smiled and walked back from them before grabbing the chainsaw and looking back at them.

"You guys are still wondering who I am, right? Hmm I will let you know then... BUT IF YOU SEEM TO FORGET ME I WILL CUT THOSE HEADS OFF I SWEAR!"

After hearing those words the victims literally almost died inside. Then the young man sat down in front of them and started talking as he shoved his hairs to the back.

"Look at me closely now, yes like that! Do you remember anything?"

One of the victims eyes burst open seeing him closely, his lips were open but he couldn't utter anything and his body was trembling.

"AH! He seems to remember me! Yes, I am that 9 year old child who you guys scared to almost death 8 years ago. Urinated on my face when I was screaming out for water.... Remember now?"

Now they all remembered who he was and the started trembling really nervously in hear. One somehow cried out...

'Please forgive us... We promise we will give you millions of dollars and won't utter a single word about tonight, and, and... we will give you a whole bunch of pu...'

"SILENCE!" then the young man opened his backpack and brought out a flask, thin smoke was coming out of it as he opened the cap,

"Do you know what this is? ACID! Now suffer in silence!" as soon as saying that he splashed the whole liquid on the face of the man who was offering a sort out to the issue they were having...

The man started screaming out in agony... although his face didn't burn a bit.

"It was just hot water, now shut the fuck up!" he yelled again.

The victim stopped screaming and was staring at him with a grave fear in his eyes.

"You know guys, I forgave you for what you have done to me, but my poor little puppy... what harm she caused to you that day? She even wasn't the one who begged for food to you... she was just barking seeing me in pain... why you guys gave her that much agony? She didn't deserve that... she did not deserve that..."

The young man took a small pause as a drop of tear rolled out of his eyes...

"That is unforgiveable... THAT IS UNFORGIVEABLE!!"

Then he stood up with the chainsaw and rushed to them with a great violence in his appearance. A moment after that only screams were heard from that abandoned factory.

A day later, three man were found in an abandoned factory, heavily injured and almost insane. They were taken to the nearest hospital. After their proper treatment police came with a sketch artist. After hearing the story and when the sketch was done, the officer looked at the sketch,

'Are you sure this was the guy?'

Those three men looked closely and replied altogether, 'YES! It's him'

The officer yelled, "You arseholes! How many shots of whiskey you three chugged up that night?"

They were utterly surprised at the reaction. The officer wasn't finished...

"THIS guy died in a street accident a FREAKING week ago!"
Posted 5 years ago
I freaking love reddit no sleep. The stories in there are amazing and so well written honestly give them a read. You will not be disappointed.
Posted 5 years ago
I got one.

So I'm in some random starbucks in the middle of downtown Las Vegas typing this out for reasons that are beyond me. I guess that if I die I want at least someone to know what happened to me. You're probably getting the impression that I am scared for my life, but you would be completely wrong. In fact I'm having the most fun I've ever had; this is by far the best game I've ever played. Now enough of my babbling, let me indulge you on why I hired a hitman on myself.

So it all started about 4 weeks ago. I'm sitting in my office bored as all hell staring blankly into my computer, counting each individual white pixel on that god damn screen. As I'm staring off into space, enjoying the peace and quiet of my own little world, I start thinking to myself "How did I end up this way? My life has boiled down to me sitting in this fucking cubicle for 8 hours a day, eating, and sleeping." I sure as hell didn't grow up thinking, "Boy I'd sure like to spend the rest of my life filing acquisitions for some soul draining corporation!" I mean I make good money, sure, but I don't even feel human anymore, it's like I'm just going through the motions. I have no kids, no girlfriend, no family that actually want anything to do with me; I'm completely alone. I need some adventure in my life again, some excitement. Fuck anything is better than what I'm doing right now. I was snapped out of thinking how pathetic my life was by my annoying ass Don asking me if I had finished with this weeks paper work. I hadn't yet, but I lied and told him I did. He told me in his "I'm superior to you" tone to have it on his desk tomorrow morning. Ya I'll get right on that, you self centered prick. I finished up with the form I had been working on and turned off my computer. It was 5 PM, signaling the end of another meaningless day.

I got home and started thinking about what I could do to make life a bit more fun. I went through the usual ideas of a vacation, moving to a new city, maybe even a new car; yet they all fell short. I needed something really fucking crazy to go down, I wanted to drop a bomb on my former life and really get shit started. I started fucking around on the deep web, looking at all the illegal shit that they have to offer. And then I saw an ad that said "Have a problem in your life? Hire one of our cleaners to take care of it at Cthulhu's resume". Now my interest was peeked. I checked out their website and it was a site to hire a hitman. Then a thought popped into my head, what if I hired a hitman on myself. It would be like a game of cat and mouse, and the punishment for getting caught would be of course, death. I was curious to see what their guidelines were, and to see how far they would go to eliminate a target. So I emailed them saying I had a problem I wanted to get rid of. Within 3 hours I got a response back, informing me of all the details of the business and the range of prices it would cost me. I didn't respond right away, allowing myself time to think carefully of what I would be getting myself into. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. This was the ultimate adventure game, like a real life video game. I would have someone that would spend night and day hunting me down, and I would have to spend all my time hunting them down. The first person to find the other wins, and the loser dies. It was perfect.

So I went into work the next day, knowing that it would be my last day there. I did what every cubicle monkey dreams of doing, I told my Don that he can go fuck himself, told the smoking hot receptionist that I wanted to bend her over her desk and fuck her brains out, and destroyed every last form and file I had in that shit hole prison just to make things harder for all the douchebags I worked with. Then I got to work on setting everything up. I went out and bought myself some new toys at the local gun store. Bought myself a new 9mm glock, a PS-90 assult rifle, and my crown jewel, a Barret 50 cal. sniper rifle. I also stopped by this nifty little spy store in my city and picked up a few things. A few objects with discrete cameras in them that allowed me to watch them through my phone, bug detectors, and a voice changer. I then took $30,000 from my savings account and converted it into Bitcoins. After all that was completed, I contacted the man who had first emailed me and gave him all of my info, and told him that this man would be very hard to catch as he travels a lot, and that he may be armed. I told him that I didn't want just one of their regular cleaners on this job, I wanted the best they had to offer. Shortly after sending the email, I received a message back informing the that they would send one of the best, but it would cost a bit more. He also said that as soon as I sent the payment they would get started. The last line of the email he sent me made me realize shit was going to get serious very quickly "Just a quick warning for you, once the payment is sent and confirmed there is no going back. The job will be taken care of and there's nothing that can be done to stop it." Perfect. I sent the payment immediately, and got a conformation email back that it was received and that someone would be sent out the next day to my location. Now the real fun can begin.

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:15 am --

Another one.

They See Us

“This was back before Google. Web pages were, for the most part, still very basic HTML with Javascript. Hardly anyone used CSS. Only discussion boards and some banking sites had anything approaching mature front-end/back-end combinations. Etc. Early 'Net. Real 'deep web' story, not just one about illicit activities online.

"I was browsing random blogs, Geocities sites, and the like, just going from link to link. Eventually I came upon an odd page - it appeared to be random thoughts from different people, but for the time, it was very well-designed. The messages seemed to be cryptic in nature, like several people trying to pass secret notes. I started through the source, and hidden in the comments of a javascript were various IP addresses.

"I gathered all of the IPs in a text file and began enumerating. Some were routers with banner messages I could telnet to - almost all at universities ('Warning! This is a secure system at University of Bla Bla....'). The default Cisco credentials from back in the day worked on most of them, but I didn't poke around. A few of the IP's were web servers with little to nothing on them, mostly Apache on Linux or some BSD, at least one IIS server I can recall."

"I finally came upon a web server with a huge directory of HTML files and TIFF images, with a few smaller subdirectories containing the same. nslookup returned no reverse records for the IP. A VisualRoute traced it as far as Colorado. The HTML files appeared to be records a psychologist or similar mental health professional would keep. The images were of faxes, apparently of both military and medical nature."

"As I browsed from a subdirectory back to the parent, at the top was a new HTML file named something like '1-.HELLO-THERE.html.' The time stamp was from right that minute. I opened it, and in plain text was the message 'we see you.' No quotes, all lowercase. About 15 seconds later the server dropped.”

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:16 am --

Another one

A Wrong Drug Deal

A Reddit user who shared the story that happened to one of his friends in July 2015. His friend is a regular deep web user, and he would buy loads of things like stolen Apple products, drugs, etc. One fine day like usual he ordered drugs from deep web, not from his usual seller but a new one. He asked the seller to deliver the drugs “In a movie case or something that his mom wouldn’t notice.” One of his biggest mistake that he didn’t realize until what happened next.

The package arrived, but to his surprise inside it, there was a bit of paper that read, “Something has happened, if I were to send it to you it could be traced back to me, and we would both be caught. Meet me at the elementary school at 7:00, we will just do it in person.”

He went there by telling his mom he was staying at his friends (The Reddit User) home and his friend warned him to take a knife if the things went south. He reached the school and noticed a man in a jeep with the plates covered in duct tape. He got down to get the drugs and left in his car after paying him.

To his surprise, he could see the man’s car following him till he reached his neighborhood so to shake him off and leading him to his house which would be a bad idea he made some random turns and when he lost his tail, he pulled into the garage.

But the serious incident happened that night. He could hear the sound of a car engine. Two men were seated in the same car that followed him. The driver was the drug dealer. “This second one had messed up hair, a trashy shirt, and while it was hard to see, my friend could almost make out a scar, from a massive burn on the side of his neck o his face,” wrote the Reddit user.

He was watching them from the window, and the 2nd one often looked at the window he was standing, and he lost his cool. Now he didn’t care about the consequences and called the police after moving away from the window. The police asked him to grab a weapon to defend himself.A Wrong Drug Deal

Finally, He could see a figure coming out of his mom’s room with a knife in his hand. With full force, he was charging towards him after shutting the door behind him. But he grabbed a pot and hit on his head. After turning on the light, he noticed it was the second guy from the car and stabbed him in the shoulder with the knife he dropped. Then in few mins, he could hear the police siren and both the men were arrested.

Reddit user says, “But my friend’s mom had been killed. Her throat had been slit, and she had 23 stab wounds, and duct tape covering her mouth.” He was charged with possession of drugs and lost his mom because of his actions. He would never ever buy drugs from deep web.

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:18 am --

Another one

Terminal Illness

Mary sat at her son's bedside, hands clasped in desperation, eyes dark. She stared — trying to cure him by willpower alone.

"You need a break, darling."

Mary looked up, her lips forcing a smile that would never reach her eyes. "I can't leave him, John."
Her husband smiled softly, a rueful expression of love, sympathy. "I know how hard it is, but you must look after yourself too. You need to rest, eat."

Mary looked back at her son, shaking her head. "No. When Daniel was first sick we tried to be all grown up about it. We tried positive thinking, we tried to 'get on with life' and we very nearly lost him."

"But we didn't lose him."

"By some kind of miracle! The doctors...and all our money, all your fame...was good for nothing."

John stood silent, lips pressed into a flat line. He watched the back of his wife's head, watched her shoulders tremble. He knew she was quietly crying again.

"I'm sorry," she said, eventually. "I'm sorry..."

John stepped forward, putting one hand on her shoulder. "I know. But do you remember when that miracle happened? You spent the day with your sister. I called you there to tell you that Daniel had shown sudden improvement. We don't know why, but he did. At least go outside, for ten minutes. Have a walk, get some fresh air. I'll sit with him."

With a suppressed sob, Mary nodded. She laid a soft, lingering kiss on Daniel's forehead then left the room.

As soon as John heard the front door close he pulled out his phone and said tersely, "Doctor Stellman."

There was a pause, then a click, then a tense voice said, "John?"

"Yes. How can this be happening, Stellman?"

"It really shouldn't be. It's just that we had to work so quickly before..."

"Enough. Whatever. We have to fix it. Now."

"Yes, of course. Okay, you have the protein serum?"

John nodded, pulling a vial and syringe from his inside pocket. "It's here."

"Okay, roll him over. Find the correct pressure points, like we practiced."

John lifted his son and flipped him over, face down on the bed. As he probed with his fingers at the base of Daniel's skull he said, "This had better work, Stellman."

"It will, I'm sure."

"She can never find out, Stellman. Never!"

"I know. She won't. You have the points?"

"Yes, I'm doing it." There was a soft click. Daniel went completely limp — a corpse. John pressed more points in his son's neck and the flesh at Daniel's hairline melted back, revealing flexible, polished metal. John ran a fingernail along the metal and popped open a panel. "Okay. I'm in."

"Good. There's a cannula port right beside the Neural Cortex Master. Inject the protein serum, count to thirty, then reboot the Neural Net."

John inserted the syringe needle with trembling hands. "She can never know, Stellman. And this must never happen again."

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:19 am --

Another one

Strange Death

'Remind me again why I don’t have a quiet office job,’ said Detective Hardy.

The constable beside him laughed, a short, bitter sound. He squinted up into the rain falling from the black, menacing sky then looked back down at the corpse lying in the alley. Watery blood ran from numerous gaping wounds, reflecting the streetlight. ‘The glamour?’

Hardy echoed the constables humourless laugh. ‘So let’s see. Male caucasian, around twenty-five, fit looking. Multiple lacerations and bite marks. Throat torn out. Discovered by a wino. That cover it?’

The constable nodded. ‘The wino was in quite a state, shouting about a monster eating someone.’

Hardy raised an eyebrow, glancing to the end of the alley where the constable’s car was parked. The constable’s partner stood there with a bedraggled old man. The old man had his back to the alley, his shoulders visibly trembling. ‘He saw the attack?’

‘So he says. He turned into the alley and saw the monster. He screamed, the monster ran, he ran too. He found us right outside the alley. Those are some pretty massive bite marks?’ The constable sounded almost impressed.

Hardy nodded.

‘Even a German Shepherd wouldn’t have a mouth that big.’

Hardy sighed. ‘Well, let’s ask him some questions.’

As they walked Hardy looked at the constable. There was a broad cut down his right cheek, still leaking blood. The rain washed the blood pink over his collar. ‘What happened to you?’ Hardy asked, trying to light a cigarette without it getting wet.

The constable raised one hand to stroke the wound. He smiled at Hardy. ‘A little fracas earlier on. Nothing serious.’

Hardy shrugged. He let it go as they reached the constable’s partner and the trembling wino, terror still evident in the old man’s eyes. ‘Can you tell me exactly what you saw?’ he asked. He drew deeply on his cigarette.

‘I d-don’t know,’ the old man replied, his voice gravelly from years of drinking and smoking whatever he could find. He looked nervously at the constable. ‘I heard this growling and crunching and saw this beast! I screamed like a girl the second I saw it and… I musta made it jump, cuz it just bolted.’ He looked at the constable again, fear bright in his eyes.

Hardy glanced at the constable, who grinned at him. ‘What do you mean by beast?’ Hardy asked the wino.

The old man raised both hands. ‘Like a giant dog or a wolf, only it stood on two legs like a man.’

‘Sounds like a werewolf,’ the constable said with a smile. His partner chuckled quietly. The wino whimpered.

Hardy laughed. ‘A werewolf!’

The constable looked at him sharply. ‘You don’t believe in werewolves?’

‘Certainly not!’

‘So what else could have made bite marks that big?’

Hardy shrugged. ‘I have no idea, but it wasn’t a werewolf!’

The constable smiled, a disturbing twist to one side of his mouth. Hardy stared at him for a moment, then looked to his partner. The constable’s partner smiled softly and shrugged. He had dark eyes that glittered in the low light. ‘Did you call the homicide team?’ Hardy asked.

The beep of a car horn prevented the need for an answer as two more cars pulled up. Hardy went and spoke to the men that climbed from the cars, grimacing at the rain. He pointed down the alley. The men nodded. Hardy returned to the constables and their charge. ‘You better take him in.’

‘I don’t wanna go!’ the wino said quickly, eyes wild. His hands started trembling violently.

Hardy smiled. ‘Standard procedure. We got to get a proper statement from you.’

The constable squeezed the wino’s shoulder. ‘We’ll take good care of you.’ His smile was broad as he opened the back door of his car and helped the old man in. He and his partner got in the front and they drove slowly away. The old wino looked back as they went, his ashen face bright in the dark frame of the rear screen. Hardy ground out his cigarette in a puddle as he watched them go.

A homicide photographer paused as he passed Hardy. ‘Who were those two uniforms?’ he asked, gesturing after the car.

Hardy shrugged. ‘No idea. I’m on temp assignment in this district.’

The photographer stared after them. As they disappeared from sight he said, ‘I don’t recognise them.’ He set the flash on his camera and strolled on, leaving Hardy alone in the pouring rain. Hardy chuckled to himself as he walked to the street, using an unusually long fingernail to pick a small wad of red flesh from between his teeth.

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:21 am --

Another one


need a volunteer!" Mephisto scanned the crowd, one hand shielding his eyes as if from a bright sun. His red-lined black cape whipped around as he strode from one side of the stage to the other.
Dozens of hands shot up, clamoring to be chosen. Mephisto squinted, heart hammering. He so hated this bit, but had little choice. There's always a choice, a voice whispered in the back of his mind, and he squashed it away into its dark corner.
His gaze fell upon a young boy, maybe eleven or twelve, smiling in anticipation. His hand wasn't raised, and of course, that made him perfect. Mephisto singled him out, one long finger bright in the spotlights. "What about you, lad?"
The boy's eyes widened and he looked left and right. One trembling hand rose, pointed to his own skinny chest.
"Yes, you. Come on, I'll make you famous!"
The boy's parents sat on either side of him nodding enthusiastically. Cajoling from the crowd drove the boy from his seat, up darkened steps and past voluminous crimson velvet curtains. Brass half-shells along the stage front cupped incandescent bulbs. Mephisto grinned over the brightness at the audience as they encouraged the boy along.
When the young man reached him, Mephisto laid an arm across bony shoulders. "What's your name, lad?"
Mephisto turned back to the crowd. "Matthew, ladies and gentlemen!"
Whoops and wild applause disgusted the magician, these easily entertained masses. To hide his grimace he made a theatrical turn, swept Matthew along to a tall black wooden box at center stage. It had a double door, split top and bottom like a stable, with bright silver tape marking edges that sparkled in the spotlight. The crowd oohed. Mephisto pulled open the two half doors. The box was empty. The crowd ahhed.
How he hated them.

-- Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:52 pm --

So I'm in some random starbucks in the middle of downtown Las Vegas typing this out for reasons that are beyond me. I guess that if I die I want at least someone to know what happened to me. You're probably getting the impression that I am scared for my life, but you would be completely wrong. In fact I'm having the most fun I've ever had; this is by far the best game I've ever played. Now enough of my babbling, let me indulge you on why I hired a hitman on myself.

So it all started about 4 weeks ago. I'm sitting in my office bored as all hell staring blankly into my computer, counting each individual white pixel on that god damn screen. As I'm staring off into space, enjoying the peace and quiet of my own little world, I start thinking to myself "How did I end up this way? My life has boiled down to me sitting in this fucking cubicle for 8 hours a day, eating, and sleeping." I sure as hell didn't grow up thinking, "Boy I'd sure like to spend the rest of my life filing acquisitions for some soul draining corporation!" I mean I make good money, sure, but I don't even feel human anymore, it's like I'm just going through the motions. I have no kids, no girlfriend, no family that actually want anything to do with me; I'm completely alone. I need some adventure in my life again, some excitement. Fuck anything is better than what I'm doing right now. I was snapped out of thinking how pathetic my life was by my annoying ass Don asking me if I had finished with this weeks paper work. I hadn't yet, but I lied and told him I did. He told me in his "I'm superior to you" tone to have it on his desk tomorrow morning. Ya I'll get right on that, you self centered prick. I finished up with the form I had been working on and turned off my computer. It was 5 PM, signaling the end of another meaningless day.

I got home and started thinking about what I could do to make life a bit more fun. I went through the usual ideas of a vacation, moving to a new city, maybe even a new car; yet they all fell short. I needed something really fucking crazy to go down, I wanted to drop a bomb on my former life and really get shit started. I started fucking around on the deep web, looking at all the illegal shit that they have to offer. And then I saw an ad that said "Have a problem in your life? Hire one of our cleaners to take care of it at Cthulhu's resume". Now my interest was peeked. I checked out their website and it was a site to hire a hitman. Then a thought popped into my head, what if I hired a hitman on myself. It would be like a game of cat and mouse, and the punishment for getting caught would be of course, death. I was curious to see what their guidelines were, and to see how far they would go to eliminate a target. So I emailed them saying I had a problem I wanted to get rid of. Within 3 hours I got a response back, informing me of all the details of the business and the range of prices it would cost me. I didn't respond right away, allowing myself time to think carefully of what I would be getting myself into. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. This was the ultimate adventure game, like a real life video game. I would have someone that would spend night and day hunting me down, and I would have to spend all my time hunting them down. The first person to find the other wins, and the loser dies. It was perfect.

So I went into work the next day, knowing that it would be my last day there. I did what every cubicle monkey dreams of doing, I told my Don that he can go fuck himself, told the smoking hot receptionist that I wanted to bend her over her desk and fuck her brains out, and destroyed every last form and file I had in that shit hole prison just to make things harder for all the douchebags I worked with. Then I got to work on setting everything up. I went out and bought myself some new toys at the local gun store. Bought myself a new 9mm glock, a PS-90 assult rifle, and my crown jewel, a Barret 50 cal. sniper rifle. I also stopped by this nifty little spy store in my city and picked up a few things. A few objects with discrete cameras in them that allowed me to watch them through my phone, bug detectors, and a voice changer. I then took $30,000 from my savings account and converted it into Bitcoins. After all that was completed, I contacted the man who had first emailed me and gave him all of my info, and told him that this man would be very hard to catch as he travels a lot, and that he may be armed. I told him that I didn't want just one of their regular cleaners on this job, I wanted the best they had to offer. Shortly after sending the email, I received a message back informing the that they would send one of the best, but it would cost a bit more. He also said that as soon as I sent the payment they would get started. The last line of the email he sent me made me realize shit was going to get serious very quickly "Just a quick warning for you, once the payment is sent and confirmed there is no going back. The job will be taken care of and there's nothing that can be done to stop it." Perfect. I sent the payment immediately, and got a conformation email back that it was received and that someone would be sent out the next day to my location. Now the real fun can begin.

Another one.

They See Us

“This was back before Google. Web pages were, for the most part, still very basic HTML with Javascript. Hardly anyone used CSS. Only discussion boards and some banking sites had anything approaching mature front-end/back-end combinations. Etc. Early 'Net. Real 'deep web' story, not just one about illicit activities online.

"I was browsing random blogs, Geocities sites, and the like, just going from link to link. Eventually I came upon an odd page - it appeared to be random thoughts from different people, but for the time, it was very well-designed. The messages seemed to be cryptic in nature, like several people trying to pass secret notes. I started through the source, and hidden in the comments of a javascript were various IP addresses.

"I gathered all of the IPs in a text file and began enumerating. Some were routers with banner messages I could telnet to - almost all at universities ('Warning! This is a secure system at University of Bla Bla....'). The default Cisco credentials from back in the day worked on most of them, but I didn't poke around. A few of the IP's were web servers with little to nothing on them, mostly Apache on Linux or some BSD, at least one IIS server I can recall."

"I finally came upon a web server with a huge directory of HTML files and TIFF images, with a few smaller subdirectories containing the same. nslookup returned no reverse records for the IP. A VisualRoute traced it as far as Colorado. The HTML files appeared to be records a psychologist or similar mental health professional would keep. The images were of faxes, apparently of both military and medical nature."

"As I browsed from a subdirectory back to the parent, at the top was a new HTML file named something like '1-.HELLO-THERE.html.' The time stamp was from right that minute. I opened it, and in plain text was the message 'we see you.' No quotes, all lowercase. About 15 seconds later the server dropped.”

Another one

A Wrong Drug Deal

A Reddit user who shared the story that happened to one of his friends in July 2015. His friend is a regular deep web user, and he would buy loads of things like stolen Apple products, drugs, etc. One fine day like usual he ordered drugs from deep web, not from his usual seller but a new one. He asked the seller to deliver the drugs “In a movie case or something that his mom wouldn’t notice.” One of his biggest mistake that he didn’t realize until what happened next.

The package arrived, but to his surprise inside it, there was a bit of paper that read, “Something has happened, if I were to send it to you it could be traced back to me, and we would both be caught. Meet me at the elementary school at 7:00, we will just do it in person.”

He went there by telling his mom he was staying at his friends (The Reddit User) home and his friend warned him to take a knife if the things went south. He reached the school and noticed a man in a jeep with the plates covered in duct tape. He got down to get the drugs and left in his car after paying him.

To his surprise, he could see the man’s car following him till he reached his neighborhood so to shake him off and leading him to his house which would be a bad idea he made some random turns and when he lost his tail, he pulled into the garage.

But the serious incident happened that night. He could hear the sound of a car engine. Two men were seated in the same car that followed him. The driver was the drug dealer. “This second one had messed up hair, a trashy shirt, and while it was hard to see, my friend could almost make out a scar, from a massive burn on the side of his neck o his face,” wrote the Reddit user.

He was watching them from the window, and the 2nd one often looked at the window he was standing, and he lost his cool. Now he didn’t care about the consequences and called the police after moving away from the window. The police asked him to grab a weapon to defend himself.A Wrong Drug Deal

Finally, He could see a figure coming out of his mom’s room with a knife in his hand. With full force, he was charging towards him after shutting the door behind him. But he grabbed a pot and hit on his head. After turning on the light, he noticed it was the second guy from the car and stabbed him in the shoulder with the knife he dropped. Then in few mins, he could hear the police siren and both the men were arrested.

Reddit user says, “But my friend’s mom had been killed. Her throat had been slit, and she had 23 stab wounds, and duct tape covering her mouth.” He was charged with possession of drugs and lost his mom because of his actions. He would never ever buy drugs from deep web.

Another one

Terminal Illness

Mary sat at her son's bedside, hands clasped in desperation, eyes dark. She stared — trying to cure him by willpower alone.

"You need a break, darling."

Mary looked up, her lips forcing a smile that would never reach her eyes. "I can't leave him, John."
Her husband smiled softly, a rueful expression of love, sympathy. "I know how hard it is, but you must look after yourself too. You need to rest, eat."

Mary looked back at her son, shaking her head. "No. When Daniel was first sick we tried to be all grown up about it. We tried positive thinking, we tried to 'get on with life' and we very nearly lost him."

"But we didn't lose him."

"By some kind of miracle! The doctors...and all our money, all your fame...was good for nothing."

John stood silent, lips pressed into a flat line. He watched the back of his wife's head, watched her shoulders tremble. He knew she was quietly crying again.

"I'm sorry," she said, eventually. "I'm sorry..."

John stepped forward, putting one hand on her shoulder. "I know. But do you remember when that miracle happened? You spent the day with your sister. I called you there to tell you that Daniel had shown sudden improvement. We don't know why, but he did. At least go outside, for ten minutes. Have a walk, get some fresh air. I'll sit with him."

With a suppressed sob, Mary nodded. She laid a soft, lingering kiss on Daniel's forehead then left the room.

As soon as John heard the front door close he pulled out his phone and said tersely, "Doctor Stellman."

There was a pause, then a click, then a tense voice said, "John?"

"Yes. How can this be happening, Stellman?"

"It really shouldn't be. It's just that we had to work so quickly before..."

"Enough. Whatever. We have to fix it. Now."

"Yes, of course. Okay, you have the protein serum?"

John nodded, pulling a vial and syringe from his inside pocket. "It's here."

"Okay, roll him over. Find the correct pressure points, like we practiced."

John lifted his son and flipped him over, face down on the bed. As he probed with his fingers at the base of Daniel's skull he said, "This had better work, Stellman."

"It will, I'm sure."

"She can never find out, Stellman. Never!"

"I know. She won't. You have the points?"

"Yes, I'm doing it." There was a soft click. Daniel went completely limp — a corpse. John pressed more points in his son's neck and the flesh at Daniel's hairline melted back, revealing flexible, polished metal. John ran a fingernail along the metal and popped open a panel. "Okay. I'm in."

"Good. There's a cannula port right beside the Neural Cortex Master. Inject the protein serum, count to thirty, then reboot the Neural Net."

John inserted the syringe needle with trembling hands. "She can never know, Stellman. And this must never happen again."

Another one

Strange Death

'Remind me again why I don’t have a quiet office job,’ said Detective Hardy.

The constable beside him laughed, a short, bitter sound. He squinted up into the rain falling from the black, menacing sky then looked back down at the corpse lying in the alley. Watery blood ran from numerous gaping wounds, reflecting the streetlight. ‘The glamour?’

Hardy echoed the constables humourless laugh. ‘So let’s see. Male caucasian, around twenty-five, fit looking. Multiple lacerations and bite marks. Throat torn out. Discovered by a wino. That cover it?’

The constable nodded. ‘The wino was in quite a state, shouting about a monster eating someone.’

Hardy raised an eyebrow, glancing to the end of the alley where the constable’s car was parked. The constable’s partner stood there with a bedraggled old man. The old man had his back to the alley, his shoulders visibly trembling. ‘He saw the attack?’

‘So he says. He turned into the alley and saw the monster. He screamed, the monster ran, he ran too. He found us right outside the alley. Those are some pretty massive bite marks?’ The constable sounded almost impressed.

Hardy nodded.

‘Even a German Shepherd wouldn’t have a mouth that big.’

Hardy sighed. ‘Well, let’s ask him some questions.’

As they walked Hardy looked at the constable. There was a broad cut down his right cheek, still leaking blood. The rain washed the blood pink over his collar. ‘What happened to you?’ Hardy asked, trying to light a cigarette without it getting wet.

The constable raised one hand to stroke the wound. He smiled at Hardy. ‘A little fracas earlier on. Nothing serious.’

Hardy shrugged. He let it go as they reached the constable’s partner and the trembling wino, terror still evident in the old man’s eyes. ‘Can you tell me exactly what you saw?’ he asked. He drew deeply on his cigarette.

‘I d-don’t know,’ the old man replied, his voice gravelly from years of drinking and smoking whatever he could find. He looked nervously at the constable. ‘I heard this growling and crunching and saw this beast! I screamed like a girl the second I saw it and… I musta made it jump, cuz it just bolted.’ He looked at the constable again, fear bright in his eyes.

Hardy glanced at the constable, who grinned at him. ‘What do you mean by beast?’ Hardy asked the wino.

The old man raised both hands. ‘Like a giant dog or a wolf, only it stood on two legs like a man.’

‘Sounds like a werewolf,’ the constable said with a smile. His partner chuckled quietly. The wino whimpered.

Hardy laughed. ‘A werewolf!’

The constable looked at him sharply. ‘You don’t believe in werewolves?’

‘Certainly not!’

‘So what else could have made bite marks that big?’

Hardy shrugged. ‘I have no idea, but it wasn’t a werewolf!’

The constable smiled, a disturbing twist to one side of his mouth. Hardy stared at him for a moment, then looked to his partner. The constable’s partner smiled softly and shrugged. He had dark eyes that glittered in the low light. ‘Did you call the homicide team?’ Hardy asked.

The beep of a car horn prevented the need for an answer as two more cars pulled up. Hardy went and spoke to the men that climbed from the cars, grimacing at the rain. He pointed down the alley. The men nodded. Hardy returned to the constables and their charge. ‘You better take him in.’

‘I don’t wanna go!’ the wino said quickly, eyes wild. His hands started trembling violently.

Hardy smiled. ‘Standard procedure. We got to get a proper statement from you.’

The constable squeezed the wino’s shoulder. ‘We’ll take good care of you.’ His smile was broad as he opened the back door of his car and helped the old man in. He and his partner got in the front and they drove slowly away. The old wino looked back as they went, his ashen face bright in the dark frame of the rear screen. Hardy ground out his cigarette in a puddle as he watched them go.

A homicide photographer paused as he passed Hardy. ‘Who were those two uniforms?’ he asked, gesturing after the car.

Hardy shrugged. ‘No idea. I’m on temp assignment in this district.’

The photographer stared after them. As they disappeared from sight he said, ‘I don’t recognise them.’ He set the flash on his camera and strolled on, leaving Hardy alone in the pouring rain. Hardy chuckled to himself as he walked to the street, using an unusually long fingernail to pick a small wad of red flesh from between his teeth.

Another one


need a volunteer!" Mephisto scanned the crowd, one hand shielding his eyes as if from a bright sun. His red-lined black cape whipped around as he strode from one side of the stage to the other.
Dozens of hands shot up, clamoring to be chosen. Mephisto squinted, heart hammering. He so hated this bit, but had little choice. There's always a choice, a voice whispered in the back of his mind, and he squashed it away into its dark corner.
His gaze fell upon a young boy, maybe eleven or twelve, smiling in anticipation. His hand wasn't raised, and of course, that made him perfect. Mephisto singled him out, one long finger bright in the spotlights. "What about you, lad?"
The boy's eyes widened and he looked left and right. One trembling hand rose, pointed to his own skinny chest.
"Yes, you. Come on, I'll make you famous!"
The boy's parents sat on either side of him nodding enthusiastically. Cajoling from the crowd drove the boy from his seat, up darkened steps and past voluminous crimson velvet curtains. Brass half-shells along the stage front cupped incandescent bulbs. Mephisto grinned over the brightness at the audience as they encouraged the boy along.
When the young man reached him, Mephisto laid an arm across bony shoulders. "What's your name, lad?"
Mephisto turned back to the crowd. "Matthew, ladies and gentlemen!"
Whoops and wild applause disgusted the magician, these easily entertained masses. To hide his grimace he made a theatrical turn, swept Matthew along to a tall black wooden box at center stage. It had a double door, split top and bottom like a stable, with bright silver tape marking edges that sparkled in the spotlight. The crowd oohed. Mephisto pulled open the two half doors. The box was empty. The crowd ahhed.
How he hated them.

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