Tribute to Kari Wolf

by Xhynrae · 61 posts
5 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 5 years ago
@Adryan my most heartfelt condolences. Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly departed.
Posted 5 years ago
Ok so i am tired of trying to get in touch with her family in order to achieve something. I will take the matters into my own hands.
That said,
@Kari Wolf
liked animals a lot so i would like to start a fund raising campaign and donate to an animal shelter that she supported on facebook in her name.

Click the button below to make a donation


All Funds Gathered will go here:

Any amount is welcomed

Anybody who makes a donation for $5 or more will receive a black market product gifted straight to your imvu accounts as follows:

$5 donation - random black market sex product
$10 donation - random BM room or dick ( your choice)
$15 donation - exclusive bm room with 30 + poses
$20 donation - 2 products of your own choosing

Donations above $20 will be honored with more products depending on the amount

After you made a donation please send me a private message with proof of donation ( preferably print screen) and with your imvu account name. Also make suree your account is set to receive messages from everyone.

Fund raising will last a month starting today 02/16/2019

Thank you everyone for all your support !

i Have also modified the first post so it will be easier to find
Posted 5 years ago
I love you Kari, I wish I had the chance to talk to you more.
She was one of the kindest people you could ever know. I truly understand your sadness Adryan, I wish you the best in recovering from your emotional trauma.
Posted 5 years ago
Lets all take a moment and remember the good chats, and cherish those moments. gods hands will now protect her soul. One day you shall meet again. Sorry for your loss bud. msg me if you need anything ive lost a few people myself in the last 3 years.
Posted 5 years ago
My condolences
. I know it must be difficult but you are right about remebering the good times and all the laughs. That is no replacement but it will help get you thru.
Posted 5 years ago
I'm so sorry and I wish the best for you and your loved ones moving forward. It's times like these I wish I was more active/social; she sounds like a beautifully charming woman that people really liked to talk to and I'm sad I didn't get to experience that kindness myself.

Be sure to take care of yourself and remember that it's fine to cry things out, too.
Posted 5 years ago
We come into this world alone and we leave this world alone but know that each of you while you walked this earth has shared something that no other could understand. The love from inside never dies as it spreads it's wings and follows the one that goes before us. Take joy in that knowing that no matter where you are no matter what you are doing you are thinking of her and she is looking down at you feeling that love still radiate. My deepest sorry on your lost. Hugs
Posted 5 years ago
It's a memory of a fantasy of living life for the first time.
It's something that burns in me, something I can't see
because it's all in my mind.
And it's really quite simple, but it's really not simple at all.
Immune to all this pain, yet it's the reason I fall.

I'm losing friends, left and right and then
on the left again, I'm still losing friends.
How can I love them when I can't love myself?
Forgetting everything I've been.
I'm tearing through a life that I don't want to lead,
just to see this God-forsaken life is tearing through me.

I can't remember when I felt a little bit of love hold my hand
and if I seen it I would never believe it.
I'm all alone again, love is a lie that I don't want to pretend
I feel so lonely and I'll never believe in it.
All alone in my loneliness.

My angry and broken heart is so full of words that I forget to say.
So I give back my hate to all the one's that talk about the God
that they love so much, but they don't ever portray.
The churches doors open unless you're searching for God…
but God is only found behind the doors of a searching heart.

It's so hard to make myself believe that someone cares,
and all this suffering that breaks me up again… life is so unfair.
And I believe this lie, that I'm gonna be alright, it's all in my head.
This hate inside of me is now what's blinding me to the blood that I bled.
And days will come when I only want to die to kill this pain.
I search my heart for love but I can't find enough for me to feel anything.

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